The property 'Preserve Shared Boundaries' will take care that after generalization there are still no gaps or overlaps. This will not garantee that features won't be split into multiple objects.
I think you'll have two options. The first option is to choose a different 'Generalization algorithm'. I am not sure which suits best for your situation, but you could try the different options.
The second option is to use an Aggregator-transformer to create multipart features in the case objects became split in the Generalizer.
I hope this helps you solving your problem.
Hi Lars,
Thanks for your answer.
Our customers don't want multipart-areas.
I tried other algorithms (Deveau , Tin ....) and parameter settings. If they exist - I can't find the right combination. The result shoult fit to scale 1:50.000. I could change the parameters so the result fits to e.g. scale 1:10.000 so the areas don't fall apart. But that ist again not what our customer want.