I have a set of records (column-aligned text) that shows the entry and exit of cars in a particular building, where I have to group the records into specific groups based on the time field (Hour:Minute:Second) per hour (i.e. 09:00:00 - 10:00:00). This is to allow me to determine the occupancy rate per hour. My time field is based on the FME time format (HHMMSS). I have tried to use the tester transformer to try and group them by hour, but I realized that for every 1 hour the car may exit before the designated exit time, but it is still classified as "occupying" the building. Hence I am attempting to refine my query by grouping the cars per minute, summing up the total number of cars within 60min, and averaging out the total number of cars occupying within the 1hour period.
Due to the huge number of records, it is unfeasible for me to create queries for each minute (up to 24 hours) Hence, I would like to know if it is possible to create a dynamic query that automatically increases the query expression by 1 minute each time the records run through the tester transformer via a loop/or any other transformers up to 1hour (i.e. 09:00:00 - 10:00:00 -> 09:01:00 - 10:00:00), without typing in python as I have no prior experience in python.