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Hi there,

The translation is failing at the feature merger.

I'm attempting to join on the x value of the original point feature (top left) which has been stored in an attribute MGA_X. Point on area transformers have been used to gather text placed adjacent to the original point on the Autocad drawing. The point on areas have correctly picked up the text I need, and these have been stored to new attributes. I would now like to merge all text (now attributes) to the original point using the MGA X as the join field - but the translation is failing at this stage.

Desired outcome is a point (the original drill location) with attributes merged for HoleNo, Floor elevation, Depth of cover and thickness (which are all now correctly available from the point on area transformers).

Thanks in advance.

What do you have for attribute accumulation on the FeatureMerger? If there is a conflict resolution make sure to have Use Supplier, else the new MGA_X won't overwrite the existing version.

Otherwise - what do you mean by "the translation is failing at this stage"? Does it crash or error out? Or is the output just not correct?

What do you have for attribute accumulation on the FeatureMerger? If there is a conflict resolution make sure to have Use Supplier, else the new MGA_X won't overwrite the existing version.

Otherwise - what do you mean by "the translation is failing at this stage"? Does it crash or error out? Or is the output just not correct?

Oh, I see now. There is rejected output on the FeatureMerger. Can you attach a Logger or Inspector to that port, to see if the rejected feature returns a reason why?


Oh, I see now. There is rejected output on the FeatureMerger. Can you attach a Logger or Inspector to that port, to see if the rejected feature returns a reason why?


Also add Inspectors to the features coming in to the FeatureMerger. Has one of them lost their MGA_X field? I can't tell from the screenshot because the attribute lists are all collapsed.



What do you have for attribute accumulation on the FeatureMerger? If there is a conflict resolution make sure to have Use Supplier, else the new MGA_X won't overwrite the existing version.

Otherwise - what do you mean by "the translation is failing at this stage"? Does it crash or error out? Or is the output just not correct?

Thanks Mark


Yes I have inspected before and after the feature merger. MGA_X is definitely there on both sides. Inspecting the rejected 1st feature shows the box area created with the 2D box replacer upstream and correctly shows MGA_X's co-ord in the attribute table.


The translation log is line that the process halts at is "FeatureMerger_<Rejected>: Termination Message: 'FeatureMerger output a <Rejected> feature. To continue if features are rejected, change the workspace parameter 'Rejected Feature Handling' to 'Continue Translation''


Stored 1 feature(s) to FME feature store file `C:\\(replaced path)\\OneDrive\\FME\\Region_BulliSeam01_log.ffs'




Hi @pat_uow, the FeatureMerger in FME 2017 routes duplicate Supplier features (which have same value in the Join On attribute) to the <Rejected> port if the Process Duplicate Suppliers parameter has set to No (default).

"Output Ports | <Rejected> - If Process Duplicate Suppliers is No, then duplicate suppliers will be rejected. If Reject Null and Missing Keys is Yes, then keyless features will be rejected." -- FeatureMerger Help

Check the value of "fme_rejection_code" of the rejected features. "EXTRA_REFERENCEE_FEATURE" indicates a duplicate supplier.

Hi @pat_uow, the FeatureMerger in FME 2017 routes duplicate Supplier features (which have same value in the Join On attribute) to the <Rejected> port if the Process Duplicate Suppliers parameter has set to No (default).

"Output Ports | <Rejected> - If Process Duplicate Suppliers is No, then duplicate suppliers will be rejected. If Reject Null and Missing Keys is Yes, then keyless features will be rejected." -- FeatureMerger Help

Check the value of "fme_rejection_code" of the rejected features. "EXTRA_REFERENCEE_FEATURE" indicates a duplicate supplier.

Thanks to Mark , Takashi and Xiaomeng (offline) this is solved with the correct parameters applied to the feature merger transformer as per the screen shot below. Rejected features were indeed duplicates supplied.







Thanks to Mark , Takashi and Xiaomeng (offline) this is solved with the correct parameters applied to the feature merger transformer as per the screen shot below. Rejected features were indeed duplicates supplied.



