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I am using the Arc Data Interoperability ext. FME 2016.0.1.2(20160224-build16177 - win32).

Trying to maintain layers in the skp file, I reference @sander solution but am still having difficulty. When I say 'run' I get the translation parameters prompts below.

This is my geometry property setter parameters, for the first layer. the others I tried to give numbers, but it makes no difference. And of course then doesn't run so I cant send you a log file.

I have been using FME infrequently for years but definitely still at beginner level, clearly.

Also battling with the help files for this issue.

Below are two pics showing the difference I'm after. If I can maintain the layers (not all in 1 layer), it makes editing in skp easier. I need to simplify the buildings there, by taking cityGML LOD4 and making it +-LOD2.5.

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