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Dissolver excludes polygon islands

Trying to dissolve a shape containing several squares with unique ID's. The squares are "grouped" in the way that 4 of the 6 squares are adjacent to each other, the other 2 are not adjacent and therefore "islands" separated from the 4 main squares. When dissolved, the 4 main squares are output as they should; as one solid polygon with one attribut representing that area. Though, the other two islands, are not dissolved into this area, but are dissolved as separate polygons and with separate attributes. When the same shape file is dissolved in ArcGIS, the output is the same as in FME, with the difference that there are only 1 attribute representing all the polygons.



My question is; how do I get FME dissolver to output the same result as ArcGIS dissolve? Working in Workbench 2012 SP3.
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3 replies

After using the Dissolver, you can use an Aggregator to get the 2 islands in as well. In FME terminology, a Dissolve is strictly limited to touching or overlapping polygons.

  • Influencer
  • August 6, 2013
Dissolver followed by an aggregator will do what you want.

  • Author
  • August 6, 2013
Thank you very much for your answers, that did the trick!


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