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Creating SQL 2012 Spatial Geography Column from existing Geometry Column

  • 7 March 2013
  • 1 reply

Hello. I am new to using FME/ESRI Data Interoperability tools, so please forgive me for my inexperience with FME translations.



I am working with the Data Interop Extension for ArcGIS , and am attempting to use a custom ETL tool to assist with the translation. I have a SQL 2012 database that contains a table of our crime data. The table has an X and Y coordinate field, which is based off NAD83 Illinois State Plane West system. Using the X and Y fields, I created a GEOMETRY column in the table in SQL Server managment studio (set the SRID in SQL to 4326 when creating the column). However, in order to use Bing tiled map services, I need to have data stored in a Geography column. I am trying to use the FME tool (ESRIReprojector) to import the SQL Server Spatial table, reproject it from NAD83 to WGS84, and then output the result to the empty GEOGRAPHY column. The workspace will run, but there is Not any data populated to the new GEOGRAPHY ) column in the SQL table and I am unsure of where I am going wrong. Any insight you might be able to provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

1 reply

Userlevel 5



not sure if I understood half of that ;-) but you might need something like a 2DPointReplacer to convert your X,Y values to a geometry, and then perhaps a Reprojector to get it to LL84 before you write it to your output table.



Good luck!



