Hello, I’m trying to create a custom chart (waterfall, combination, etc.) and I couldn’t find a transformer that could accomplish this other than PythonCaller. I’m having trouble integrating my code within FME (2022 version) which requires me to use a few packages to execute. Has anyone been able to accomplish this? I’ve already reviewed the existing FME material out there.
I’ve used an XMLTemplater to build charts using chart.js within an HTML page, it was a bit of a clunky approach because it requires a fair amount of HTML / Javascript experience as well as digging in the code.
There’s the ChartGenerator transformer as well. A bit more limited than chart.js I suppose, but it might be enough.
I’ve used an XMLTemplater to build charts using chart.js within an HTML page, it was a bit of a clunky approach because it requires a fair amount of HTML / Javascript experience as well as digging in the code.
This example isn’t using chart.js, but it is using OpenLayers, combined with an HTMLReportGenerator. That might get you started, if you’re familiar with chart.js and have some javascript knowledge as RedGeographics mentions, it shouldn’t be that difficult.
Yeah, it's a lot of work within AttributeManagers as it turns out. Here is, for example, the code to generate a bar chart with up to 5 bars out of a list:
 <div class="column">
  <h3>Top 5 users (processing time)</h3>
  <canvas id="topUsersProcChart" width="400" height="300"></canvas>
   var ctx = document.getElementById("topUsersProcChart").getContext('2d');
   var topUsersProcChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
  data: {
    labels: >"@Value(_list{0}.userName)", "@Value(_list{1}.userName)", "@Value(_list{2}.userName)", "@Value(_list{3}.userName)", "@Value(_list{4}.userName)"],
    datasets: {
      label: "processing time",
      data: @Value(_list{0}.duration_process), @Value(_list{1}.duration_process), @Value(_list{2}.duration_process), @Value(_list{3}.duration_process), @Value(_list{4}.duration_process)],
         backgroundColor: ]
        'rgba(38,140,70, 0.2)',
        'rgba(38,140,70, 0.2)',
        'rgba(38,140,70, 0.2)',
            'rgba(38,140,70, 0.2)',
        'rgba(38,140,70, 0.2)'
     borderWidth: 1
  options: {
     responsive: false,Â
      scales: {
      xAxes: r{
        stacked: true
      yAxes: n{
        stacked: true
And that ends up looking like this:
Yeah, it's a lot of work within AttributeManagers as it turns out.
True. You basically have to write the code inside one or more attributes. But in the case of your example, I’d probably try to use the ListConcatenator to create the Labels and Data arrays. Might make it a bit easier. Or even a JSONTemplater...
Plus, if possible, you can also use external JS-files instead of hardcoding all of the javascript in FME attributes. I suppose it’s a bit dependent on personal preference, but there are plenty of options.