Line_ID StartID InterimID NoInterimID EndID
1234 789 234,543,756 3 8976
Is this a clear enough example?
Line_ID StartID InterimID NoInterimID EndID
1234 789 234,543,756 3 8976
Is this a clear enough example?
not quite sure I understand what you need here, to be honest. Could you perhaps post an example of what you have (input) and what you desire as output? Also, please specify if which version of FME you're using.
I guess you have already looked at the AttributeSplitter, ListElementCounter and ListIndexer?
I was just thinking I should have put what I wanted as output. From the input.:
Line_ID StartID InterimID NoInterimID EndID
1234 789 234,543,756 3 8976
I'd like as output:
Line_ID ID Sequence
1234 789 1 (fromStartID)
1234 234 2 (from 1st InterimID)
1234 543 3 (from 2nd InterimID)
1234 756 4 (from 3rd InterimID)
1234 8976 5 (from EndID)
Does this make things clearer? I am trying this with the AttributeSplitter and Counter. I haven't looked at the ListElementCounter and ListIndexer. I will take a look now..
Thanks for the pointer.
I would concatenate start ID, interim ID and End ID to get a new attribue with value
Attribute splitter to split that attribute into a list, then a list exploder. The list exploder will add an attribute named _element_index which will give the order of the ID in the sequence (note that the order starts from 0 rather than 1)