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Dynamic User Parameter

Hi, I'm very very new to this so apologies if the question is stupid or posted in the wrong place. I'm trying to learn FME usuing the online resources and this forum as this is the first work chance I've had to do it and liking it so far. I have researched my question already but didn't find relevant recent answers (unless of course I have missed them)

I'm trying to generate a Clip and Ship type of service. So I'm starting with the Austin download example which will give be a great foundation for my requirements, however I'm falling over on the first hurdle. The current user parameter list for austindownload is pre configured as a text comma separated list .... my potential requirements is a for a more dynamic list which would be controlled by a table in Oracle (sde) with a number of attributes in the table that I envisage as being required to delivery additional components related to the dataset. So I have a worksbench that connects to a gdb and based on a filter returns 'public' accessible datasets as a list 'ActiveLIstData'. So in the AustinDownload workbench is it possible to have the result list of 'ActiveLIstData' to be the user parameter? I've tried numerous methods to no avail, can any body point me in the correct direction please ? just so I can get started please.. It would be of huge help and greatly appreciated - but since I'm so novice at this please be as descriptive as possible.

(bty I'm licensed for the server and workbench and can go to our support company but in the current crisis I didn't want to be a burden on them as I know they will be busy - but if needs I will go the direct route)





2 replies

  • March 25, 2020

Hi, welcome to the forums and welcome to FME!

Unfortunately, user parameters are static, meaning that it's currently not possible to base them on e.g. a database query or even the selection made in another parameter. That said, I know that Safe is currently working on new technology which may allow this in the future.

Most of the use cases of FME for "clip & ship" type services I've worked on have relied on some custom html+javascript front-end that would take care of dynamic parameter selection, business rules, order validation, etc. Have you perhaps already looked at the FME Server Playground demos? They do have some demos with source that shows how it might be done.

Of course you are very welcome to continue asking questions on these forums.

Cheers and good luck!

  • Author
  • March 25, 2020

Thanks David, pity ...

I'll have a rethink and look at the demos again



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