I have searched through almost every question relating to optimizing memory in the Knowledge Centre. With my computer set up, there technically shouldn't be any memory issue.
The workbench is to read 15 non spatial and 2 spatial tables from Oracle and write the same table but into 3 different file formats - ESRI Geodatabase (File Geodb ArcObjects), TAB and shapefile.
The reader is a SQLCreator connecting to the Oracle database with a statement ' SELECT * FROM PRODUCT.$(STATE)_HOUSE.
I have created a Published Parameter $(STATE) so I can run the same workbench 9 times. The parameter is to specify what State Oracle Table I want to read from. There is a total of 9 variables.
My log file reads:
- ME Configuration: FME_PRODUCT_NAME is 'FME(R) 2015.1.3.1'
- System Status: 269.57 GB of disk space available in the FME temporary folder (C:\\Users\\MARIAA~1.PSM\\AppData\\Local\\Temp)
- System Status: 8.00 TB of virtual memory available
- Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
- FME Platform: WIN64
- Locale: en_AU
- Code Page: 1252 (ANSI - Latin I)
- FME Configuration: Process limits are 15.94 GB of physical memory and 8.00 TB of address space
- FME Configuration: Start freeing memory when process usage exceeds 9.57 GB of memory or 8.00 TB of address space
- FME Configuration: Stop freeing memory when process usage is below 7.17 GB of memory and 6.00 TB of address space
The total number of features read is approximately around 20mil (80% is non spatial).
The total output size is only 6GB.
- Before I start playing around with the FME_ENGINE_MEMORY_REDLINE, has anyone found a suitable value that prevent the 'ResourceManager: Optimizing Memory Usage. Please wait....' line appearing AND if it did, it did not compromise the workbench?
- Is it quicker to have the reader as a Oracle Non Spatial vs. SQLCreator?
- My TEMP folder is located in my C Drive, but memory is not be an issue. The folder is empty most of the time until I run a FME workbench.
I am appreciative for any advice that would make my workbench run quicker.