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How do I get the data set title (or name) in DataDownload_Email_JobSuccess?

  • November 15, 2018
  • 8 replies


This is the email format I am using as email notification for datadownload:

<fmeblock type="optional">Thank you for using the ABC Portal. Your requested download of the dataset is now available under the following link:





#### (here I need to list down all the dataset title / name) ####



Please note that the link is only valid for 24 hours. After this time period you have to request the download of your selected dataset in the ABC Portal again.



With kind regards,



The team of the ABC Portal





ABC Data Portal


www: https://ABCportal/index.html?lang=en






---------- i have a published parameter names 'FEATURE_TYPES' and this can contain all the dataset name but how I can use it here inside DataDownload_Email_JobSuccess Email Template?


Kind Regards

Muqit Zoarder

8 replies


Check the Client Custom Keywords section here, that should get you going.

redgeographics wrote:

Check the Client Custom Keywords section here, that should get you going.

This means I have to rename my published parameter with preifx nm_ ? So I will rename nm_FEATURE_TYPES instead FEATURE_TYPES? Then i can mention it directly in my email template as


redgeographics wrote:

Check the Client Custom Keywords section here, that should get you going.

It did not succed. I failed to rename my existing published parameter to nm_ because somewhere in my workflow i cannot not rename it and it is a binding. Else what I can do now to extract information of downloding datasets titel? In log file we have all the dataset names, can I use from logfile in my email body? but in keyword i did not find name which can provide me dataset names from a logfile (fme server job log file). Please help me in this regards.


Thanks and have a nice weekend.

mjoarder_pln wrote:

It did not succed. I failed to rename my existing published parameter to nm_ because somewhere in my workflow i cannot not rename it and it is a binding. Else what I can do now to extract information of downloding datasets titel? In log file we have all the dataset names, can I use from logfile in my email body? but in keyword i did not find name which can provide me dataset names from a logfile (fme server job log file). Please help me in this regards.


Thanks and have a nice weekend.

Hi @mjoarder_pln,

What do you mean somewhere in your workspace it is binding? If you change the published parameter name under User Parameters in the Navigator window these changes should be applied downstream without you having to find every reference to the published parameter in the workspace.

This is by far the best method to use published parameters in an email template however when you refer to them you do not need to include the nm_ so it would simply by {FEATURE_TYPES}. When it is correctly referenced does it still not work?

Set up in Workbench:


Set up in FME Server Email:

hollyatsafe wrote:

Hi @mjoarder_pln,

What do you mean somewhere in your workspace it is binding? If you change the published parameter name under User Parameters in the Navigator window these changes should be applied downstream without you having to find every reference to the published parameter in the workspace.

This is by far the best method to use published parameters in an email template however when you refer to them you do not need to include the nm_ so it would simply by {FEATURE_TYPES}. When it is correctly referenced does it still not work?

Set up in Workbench:


Set up in FME Server Email:

HI, nm_FEATURE_TYPES published parameter name is troubling me a lot., it is not working, but if i remove nm_ then it works, am adding my log information here below:(please look at it):

Mi-31-Jul-2019 09:49:48.039 AM INFORM https-jsse-nio-443-exec-53 410017 : The request URL is:


Mi-31-Jul-2019 09:49:48.039 AM FATAL https-jsse-nio-443-exec-53 411008 : Service failed: Unauthorized request by user guest due to lack of proper permissions.


Mi-31-Jul-2019 09:49:48.039 AM WARN https-jsse-nio-443-exec-53 410016 : Server authentication exception. Now sending a challenge


Mi-31-Jul-2019 09:49:48.039 AM INFORM https-jsse-nio-443-exec-53 411009 : Request handling completed.


Also i am finding this error if I use the name "nm_FEATURE_TYPES":

Destination Feature Type Routing Correlator(RoutingFactory): MULTI_WRITER: No dataset was specified for MULTI_WRITER_DATASET or GENERIC_1_DATASET or GENERIC_DATASET

Abnormal termination of the Geodatabase reader

hollyatsafe wrote:

Hi @mjoarder_pln,

What do you mean somewhere in your workspace it is binding? If you change the published parameter name under User Parameters in the Navigator window these changes should be applied downstream without you having to find every reference to the published parameter in the workspace.

This is by far the best method to use published parameters in an email template however when you refer to them you do not need to include the nm_ so it would simply by {FEATURE_TYPES}. When it is correctly referenced does it still not work?

Set up in Workbench:


Set up in FME Server Email:

Also I am getting the following error if i use nm_FEATURE_TYPES :

Destination Feature Type Routing Correlator(RoutingFactory): MULTI_WRITER: No dataset was specified for MULTI_WRITER_DATASET or GENERIC_1_DATASET or GENERIC_DATASET

Abnormal termination of the Geodatabase reader

mjoarder_pln wrote:

Also i am finding this error if I use the name "nm_FEATURE_TYPES":

Destination Feature Type Routing Correlator(RoutingFactory): MULTI_WRITER: No dataset was specified for MULTI_WRITER_DATASET or GENERIC_1_DATASET or GENERIC_DATASET

Abnormal termination of the Geodatabase reader

You can make a Private Parameter nm_FEATURE_TYPES and have that be filled with the public parameter FEATURE_TYPES.


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