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Change "My documents\\FME" default path directory folder (move to other location)

  • February 28, 2013
  • 7 replies


and sorry if the question has already been asked and resolved, I may not have find the right keywords to find it...



Due to quota on the users's folders "My Documents" (because network stored),

we need to change the default path "FME" when installing FME DESKTOP 2013,

in order to avoid creating the empty folders which will fill themselves later :

- %UserProfile%\\documents\\FME\\CoordinateSyste...

- %UserProfile%\\documents\\FME\\Csmap Tansform....

- %UserProfile%\\documents\\FME\\Formats

- %UserProfile%\\documents\\FME\\Templates

- %UserProfile%\\documents\\FME\\Themes

- %UserProfile%\\documents\\FME\\Transform...




I found tips

- to change the temp folder (%FME_TMP%),

- to change the workspace folder (%FME_MF_DIR%, and options)

- to add some ressource folders (%FME_SHARED_RESOURCE_DIR%)



but nothing to change the location of the default main folder "FME"...



Do you think that possible ?



thank you in advance for your answer !





7 replies

  • February 28, 2013
You can change the default location for opening/saving workspaces. Open FME Workbench, go to Tools / FME Options and look under Default Paths.



It might be possible to find where this info is stored, if you need to automate this task.




yes, the I sucessfully change the path of

%UserProfile%\\Documents\\My FME Workspaces\\,

but it does not impact the "FME" folder

(for example, things are still created into "FME\\Formats" and "FME\\Templates"...)

(to test it :

1) delete  "My documents\\FME\\"

2) start "FME Workbench", new Blank file

3) file, save as template : the default location proposed is stil "My documents\\FME\\Templates\\NONE to NONE.fmwt"

4) I change that location to save it anywhere

5) a new empty folder "My documents\\FME\\Templates" has been created

by the way !

I forgot to thanks David for his quick answer !! thank you David.

(anyone else knowing how to move "My Documents\\FME\\" directory ? ^_^ )

  • February 28, 2013
You're welcome, Yannick.



You might also want to send this particular inquiry to Safe support, though:



They are usually quite quick to respond.



Good luck!




Thank you again David. Case is now submitted...

(I will sum up their end answer here, for all the Community)

So, David, your tip was good : uses safesupport...

but their answer was not what I wished :


the location is into "My documents" and is not configurable at all...

thank's all for playing... :)


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