OK, here goes. I have some data in a SQL Server database but it is stored in an object-oriented fashion which means a normal SQL query doesn't work, I have to pivot data in order to create a traditional tabular view. Now that in itself wouldn't be a problem, but all data is stored in the same location with each asset class (e.g. door, window etc.) having a different number of attributes, so depending on how I pivot I get the relevant attributes as fields. All good so far?
OK, so I want to push this data from the source database into the target database (Oracle in this case) and the method for doing this is currently using SQLCreator to create the fields by which I want to pivot (based on the asset class as a parameter) and then SQLExecutor to retrieve the pivoted table, which works, up to a point. What doesn't work is that the attributes of the output from the SQLExecutor are not exposed, and I can't get them to be exposed without Populate from SQL Query option, which fails as it relies on SQLCreator output to input into the SQL Statement. Still with me?
To illustrate the code for the SQLCreator looks like this:
Select distinct
Select ',"'+ T1.char_name + '"' AS [text()]
From characteristics T1
INNER JOIN class_attributes t2 ON t1.char_id = t2.char_id
INNER JOIN class_objects t3 ON t2.class_id = t3.class_id
WHERE t3.name = '$(Asset_Class)'
AND t3.name = t4.name
For XML PATH ('')
), 2, 1000) [Attributes]
From class_objects T4
where t4.name = '$(Asset_Class)';
and my SQLExecutor code looks like this:
SELECT object_id,class_id,name,code,description, @Value(Attributes)
T5.name tag_name,
case when T4.char_value is not null then T4.char_value
when T4.number_value is not null then CAST(T4.number_value as nvarchar)
when T4.date_value is not null then CAST(T4.date_value as nvarchar)
else null
end as output_value
FROM char_data T4
INNER JOIN characteristics T1 ON t4.char_id = t1.char_id
INNER JOIN tags t5 ON t4.object_id = t5.tag_id
INNER JOIN class_objects t3 ON t5.class_id = t3.class_id
WHERE t3.name = '$(Asset_Class)'
) AS s
FOR char_name IN (@Value(Attributes))
) AS pvt;
It returns all the right attributes in the Data Inspector, but I want to output this to another database, and I can't tell the writer what attributes it needs to create. If I try populate from SQL Query I get "Query failed, possibly due to a malformed statement." - presumably because it is seeing the @Value(Attributes) which doesn't exist yet...
Have tried using AttributeExploder (did not go well), PythonCaller to expose the attributes (did nothing as again only executes at run-time and bashing my head against the screen (worked as well as AttributeExploder), so any ideas would be welcomed!
Oh P.S. SQL Server 2013, FME 2017.1.1