I am trying to figure out how to insert disclaimers/metadata from one folder to all zipped folders within another folder?
My setup involves Reading from an SDE connection, an InlineQuerier transformer to definition query various private data fields out of the data, an Attribute Keeper transformer to keep only the pertinent fields for public viewing before 6 different writers take the data and convert and zip to file geodatabase, kml, shapefile, AutoCAD, CSV, and GeoPackage. With each feature class/dataset being converted into 6 different formats into a single export folder. The naming convention will be standardized (Parks_KML.zip, Addresses_shp.zip, Water_FGDB.zip etc), I need to insert a text disclaimer file into each of the zipped folders.
I thought using the FileCopy Writer from this example (https://knowledge.safe.com/articles/881/including-additional-files-in-the-data-download-re.html)
with a wildcard fanout of the export folder but I am unable to make that work.