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Can't upgrade 2020 workbench to 2021 - lambert equal area polar projections not available in FME 2021?

Hi, I'm trying to upgrade a workbench from FME 2020_2_4_0 (build 20825) to FME 2021_2_4 however I have reprojectors that project data into lambert equal area polar projections. These projections do not appear to be available in FME2021 and the workbench fails as a result. Can these projections be added to 2021 or are there alternative polar equal area projections that are supported?

7 replies

  • Celebrity
  • January 31, 2022

I'm the first to admit I'm no coordinate system expert, so can't help re an alternative, but you can add custom coordinate systems to FME -

  • Safer
  • February 4, 2022

I'm asking our developers right now, but what error message do you get in the log? It would help us to figure out the exact coordinate system being used. Also, do you have an EPSG number for that?

  • Safer
  • February 4, 2022
mark2atsafe wrote:

I'm asking our developers right now, but what error message do you get in the log? It would help us to figure out the exact coordinate system being used. Also, do you have an EPSG number for that?

Our developers said that nothing should have been removed. So it is likely a setup issue. But a log message would help enormously.

  • Author
  • February 7, 2022

There's no EPSG number listed in the transformer. The log message is:


2022-02-07 13:02:02|  0.0| 0.0|WARN |Coordinate system named LambertAzimuthalEqualAr does not exist.

2022-02-07 13:02:02|  0.0| 0.0|WARN |Coordinate system named LambertAzimuthalEqualAr does not exist.

2022-02-07 13:02:02|  0.0| 0.0|WARN |Unknown coordinate system '%0' specified - aborting




2022-02-07 13:02:02|  0.0| 0.0|ERROR |NP_BINARY_ReProjector_2 (TeeFactory): NP_BINARY_ReProjector_2: Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceding feature: Unknown coordinate system 'LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaNorthPole' specified - aborting

2022-02-07 13:02:02|  0.0| 0.0|ERROR |NP_BINARY_ReProjector_2: Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceding feature: Unknown coordinate system 'LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaNorthPole' specified - aborting

  • Safer
  • February 7, 2022
cpwillcox wrote:

There's no EPSG number listed in the transformer. The log message is:


2022-02-07 13:02:02|  0.0| 0.0|WARN |Coordinate system named LambertAzimuthalEqualAr does not exist.

2022-02-07 13:02:02|  0.0| 0.0|WARN |Coordinate system named LambertAzimuthalEqualAr does not exist.

2022-02-07 13:02:02|  0.0| 0.0|WARN |Unknown coordinate system '%0' specified - aborting




2022-02-07 13:02:02|  0.0| 0.0|ERROR |NP_BINARY_ReProjector_2 (TeeFactory): NP_BINARY_ReProjector_2: Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceding feature: Unknown coordinate system 'LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaNorthPole' specified - aborting

2022-02-07 13:02:02|  0.0| 0.0|ERROR |NP_BINARY_ReProjector_2: Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceding feature: Unknown coordinate system 'LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaNorthPole' specified - aborting

Hi @cpwillcox​,

The missing coordinate systems do not seem to be among the ones shipped with FME, so they are probably custom definitions. If they were added to the LocalCoordSysDefs.fme file in the FME\\Reproject folder, they may have been overwritten when the new version was installed.

I think you will need to add these definitions again. If you do so, I recommend placing the definitions in your Documents\\FME\\CoordinateSystems folder, since none of this is overwritten by a new installation.



If you are looking for a solution that doesn't involve using a custom coordinate system, then you also have the option to use the EsriReprojector and select North_Pole_Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area as the Destination Coordinate System.

  • Author
  • February 10, 2022

Thanks both. @daveatsafe​  thanks it was due to custom definitions - I didn't realise they were custom ones, that makes sense now - I've copied the files to the correct locations and the workbench is now working. Many thanks.

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