istvanv wrote:
This is what my workflow looks like so far,
Read las -> create path -> write las -> read path which is pathname/fme_basename.las
Sadly it says the file doesn't exist
I know I read somewhere that _attributes need to be renamed for Rcaller
I bet it's something very small, but I can't see it
Hi @istvanv thanks for the context. Are you on Windows by chance? R does not work well with Windows paths. It requires a UNIX forward slash / in all paths. I see you have that in the concatenated path in the RCaller, but if you are on Windows I believe your Output$pathname would still contain backslashes \\, which R would not accept. You might want to test printing your path in R to confirm it is properly formed, and of course, double-checking the FeatureWriter is successfully writing to that location.
There are several ways to work with paths in R and people have strong opinions about them. 😀
You might want to consider using the file.path() function to create your path in R, or using a StringReplacer to replace any Windows \\ with \\\\. Using a library to handle paths ensures the workspace will work on any OS, which might be important if you plan on sharing this workspace or publishing it to FME Server.