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Problems with the FMEServerJobSubmitter Version 4

  • January 13, 2023
  • 1 reply


 Workflow description

·        FMEServerJobSubmitter Version 3 in Desktop starts a sub-script with for instance published parameter /GeoBIM/Konfiguration styrfil

·        If I run the script FME Server runs the script with parameter /GeoBIM/Konfiguration, styrfil So as you can see there has been input a comma sign which is not correct

·        And furthermore - if I try to change the FMEServerJobSubmitter Version 3 published parameter the transformer automatically (without me telling it to update) updates itself to FMEServerJobSubmitter Version 4 leading to:

·        When I then try to run the script with FMEServerJobSubmitter Version 4 it ends up in Rejected with error ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAMETERS and Reason - invalid input parameters for workspace X'

Hence I will now create a library with FMEServerJobSubmitter Version 3 preset transformers in version 2021.2.4 (where editing parameters works fine) so that I can copy these into our scripts in 2022.2 to make this work


I'm surprised that there's no discussion related to this. When I try to read about Known issues 2022.x that url only works on my phone... not easy to read it there...

1 reply


Hi @peteralstorp​ , sorry to hear you're running into those issues. Looking at the ticket we have open for this bug, we aware of both the issue with the workspace failing to run and the issue with the transformer version updating automatically upon changing a parameter. Fortunately, these bugs have been resolved and the fix is available in FME 2022.2.0.0 b22763 or newer.

If you're running a version older than the one noted there, please try updating to the latest version of FME and see if the bug still occurs. If you update your FME Desktop and still run into issues, then please let us know.

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