Hi, I'm trying to split some text, based on the value auf another attribute. Unfortunately the AttributeSplitter transformer doesn't accept attribute values comming from inside the workspace, only pubulished parameters as the delimeter. Is there a way to set up individual delimeters for every feature and carry out the splitting upon them?
One Example:
Text_line_data: 2018-06-11 08:39:23| 486.7| 0.0|STATS |62b88ad3-1c54-43b2-b010-479f2141a98a Here comes the text string im interested in. The string wil vary in length for every feature
Desired delimiter: 62b88ad3-1c54-43b2-b010-479f2141a98a
I',m looking for the string that succeeds 62b88ad3-1c54-43b2-b010-479f2141a98a
Thanks for your support!