I have received a text file to convert to polygons with donuts but I am unfamiliar with the format. Does anyone have any experience with a file with the following header:
Version 780 Charset "WindowsLatin1" Delimiter "," CoordSys Earth Projection 20, 109, "m", 5.387638889, 52.156160556, 0.9999079, 155000, 463000 Bounds (13558, 306866) (278118, 619026) Columns 1 RxLev Char(9) Data
Region 789 36733 278118 583666 278038 583666 278038 583746 278038 583825.9999 278038 583906 277958.0001 583906 277958.0001 583986 277878 583986 277798 583986 277718 583986 277638.0001 583986 277558 583986 277478 583986 277478 583906 277398 583906 277398 583986 277318.0001 583986 277238 583986 277158 583986 277158 584065.9999 277078 584065.9999The end of the file has the following information: 7 16518.0001 365666 16438 365666 16438 365585.9999 16438 365506 16518.0001 365506 16518.0001 365585.9999 16518.0001 365666 5 199958 461506 199878 461506 199878 461425.9999 199958 461425.9999 199958 461506 5 119558 386306 119478 386306 119478 386225.9999 119558 386225.9999 119558 386306 Pen (1,0,0) Brush (1,0,16777215) Center 145838 462946Any information would be appreciated.Thanks,Annette