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I am using the dwg writer to create blocks based on xls input file.


Everything is working fine except that I that I am unable to set the block names


in the output.


All block names appear as autocad_block_name : test_ACAD_1_FMEBLOCKn where n is 1 to as many blocks created.



How can I enforce the block to be named one of my input field (blockname) ?




6 replies

  • Contributor
  • August 9, 2013



As stated here, you can use fme attributes or the dwg styler for that.


Hope this helps.

  • Author
  • August 9, 2013
Hi Itay,



Thanks for responding.



Actually I need to clarify that I am not trying to create any block instances (block inserts)  in the output but actual block definitions (block) based on my xls input file.



Everything works well and the resulting file has all the block definitons created as desired except for their names. The names test_ACAD_1_FMEBLOCKn where n is 1 to as many blocks created. Looking to see how I can force the names (coming from input field blockname).




  • Contributor
  • August 9, 2013



Are you by anychance trying the write to a RealDWG? otherwise the use_block_name_for_creation writer paramter might be of use (never tried it myself)



Hope this helps



  • Author
  • August 9, 2013
Hi Itay,



Your last advice was not the solution but was useful as it forced me to search again in the doc for  the right solution.



All I had to do is set under Tools->Parameters:


"Use the block name to create blocks to" : "Yes" (was set to no).



That did the job.



Now my next step. Define attributes as block definitions are created.



  • Author
  • August 11, 2013

Hi Itay,



I could no find my any answers to my search using the dwg styler.



In the output I want to create block definitions with attributes.Instances (inserts) come out ok with Atributes coming from FME. 

When I open the dwg in Autocad and insert a generated block definition there are no attributes defined on the block.



Not sure how to accomplish that.




  • Contributor
  • August 11, 2013
Hi JM,



I gues that you mean inserting extended entity data on the autocad features, have set the wirter to allow for that?


If you did could it be that it is not delivered in a way that FME can interpreted it as extended data?


...The AutoCAD writer understands both the list format and the interpreted format....

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