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Restore Repository from FFS lost Service Connections

  • December 20, 2012
  • 7 replies

I recently backed up my running 2012-sp1 machines to a FFS and did a update to 2012-sp4. When I run a workspace to restore my FFS to Repository I can see all my workspaces are back in the appropriate repositories.



But None of them are linked anymore to the Job Submitter service, so its like they don't exist anymore. Is there a option where I can go and re-assign them to the proper service again?



Otherwise I will need to republish all 40+ workspaces and that is just a time killer.






David (DEWright_CA)

7 replies

  • December 20, 2012
Hi David,



Can I clarify that the service registration is indeed blitzed? I've seen an instance where via the web browser the workspaces didn't appear under the service but if you used a direct URL or the FME Server Console, the workspace was indeed registered.



Can I request that you check FME Server Console (Start -> Program Files -> FME Server -> Console) by entering listworkspaces_by_service and checking that the workspaces are indeed missing from the job submitter service?



A quick way to republish all 40+ workspaces is to create a batch script that registers the appropriate workspace with the appropriate service although that may not be supported anymore in 2012+...


  • Contributor
  • December 20, 2012
Hi David



In FME Server Console beginning with 2012 the commandline option to ADD a workspace was cancelled, for security reasons, I believe.



If FME Server is configured NOT to use security (login), it may still be possible but with security switched on it is definitely NO longer possible, and will NOT be supported in future FME Server versions, from what I heard back from Safe support.



From what I experienced, the Repository Reader/Writer is not free of BUGs at the moment nad seems only to work well if ALL repositories are handled as a whole.



So I share your experience, that I had to manually publish 40+ workspaces.



I hope this situation will improve ...




  • Contributor
  • December 20, 2012
When you do a backup/restore of FME Server you need to make sure you include the FMEServerServices source/destination, as well as your custom repositories. This contains all the service and connection information.

  • Author
  • December 20, 2012
1SpatialKathy - I did this; and no none of the services show piped into the fmejobsubmitter.



Do you have a sample of a script for installing services I can look at as a starting point? I will look into that as my next best option.

  • January 17, 2013

I'm also interested in getting a sample script of how to batch download/publish all workbenches.  We've upgraded from 2010 SP3, to 2012 Build 12212, then to 2012 SP4 Build 12266. 

I originally had to install FME Workbench 2011 to perform the export of our FME 2010 repository from the Oracle DB to FFS, and when re-importing everything using FME Workbench 2012 the workbenches were registered and available and all seemed OK.  However...

A client called and said they were missing a "Edit Service" dialog for the "KML Network Link" service whilst uploading a workbench back to the server, which the previous 2010 workbench gave them settings to tweak, in 2012 workbench the dialog was blank?.. and it turned out most Service dialogs were blank.. After discussions with our vendor (1Spatial) - we tried various things, but eventually a support ticket was logged with Safe. 

I've since uninstalled/re-installed the FME Server 2012 SP4 Build 12266 and this time when re-importing our FFS repository file, I excluded the "FMEServerServices" feature type, and all the "Edit Service" dialogs were displaying as expected.  However..

Now I'm in the same boat as the OP where by excluding this feature type (to prevent corrupting the database, breaking workbench functionality) all our workbenches are no longer registered to their Services, and the only work around I've found is to download & publish back. 

As we have numerous workbenches I'd really like to have a sample script on how to do this - I dread having to do it manually one-by-one for all our servers we are upgrading... which have different workbenches.

Please assist!  I best start downloading/uploading our workbenches...

  • January 17, 2013
There is a programmatic way to mass register and add workspaces.



Unfortunately this can no longer be performed via the FME Server Console.



However, it's likely that the way that Sample workspaces are added and registered can be replicated. Currently this is simply performed using an XML file and accompanying batch script found within:


C:\\Program Files\\FMEServer\\Clients\\utilities



The challenging thing is writing the XML (maybe through FME) and then hoping it works!




  • May 13, 2013
Just to inform, as most of you propably know, this issue is now fixed. I'm just doing an upgrade to FME Server 2013 SP1 (from FME Server 2012 SP4) and the relation between respositories/workspaces and web services is stored in the FFS backup as "repository" FMEServerServices. If you import that with the rest of the respositories into the new installation it avoids having to manually re-register respositories to services. We are witnessing a world moving forward;-) At least Safe Software is moving forward.

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