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  • April 11, 2024
  • 6 replies



Dear FME community,

I hoop you will help met with the problem I am try to solve . I am reading WFS data which has more than 200,000 records. I just want to replace one of the fields from my own Excel file. I used to Attributevaluemapper to replace the value of fieldname owner with the value name owner from my exce list. I am not succeeding Do you have any idee how to tackle this?

Any help is apricated and thanx in advance!!


Best answer by redgeographics

hiyhelg wrote:

 Beste @redgeographics 

  I already saw the import button, but I am not succding to make mapping.  I couldn’t indicate the Exact columns and rows(like H2:😊


Basically both columns need to be filled with values. So in your case eigenaar names. See my previous screenshot, where the first row should be read as “if eigenaar is Jan then eigenaar_new becomes Hans”

You can enter the values manually or read them from an existing dataset or feature cache by using the Import button. In that case you can pick whether you want to import them as Input or Output values.

Chances are that if you have an Excel with both input and output values you don’t need to use the AttributeValueMapper (it has the disadavantage that it can only be edited in FME itself and it is not dynamic) but can join it to your data. 

If you can show me what your data looks like and what your Excel looks like I can try to help you.

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The AttributeValueMapper should be filled with specific values to map, like this: 

You're probably looking for a FeatureJoiner or FeatureMerger to perform a join between the WFS data and your Excel sheet (although it would help if you could show a small example of both)

  • Author
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  • April 11, 2024

Thank you for your replay.  There is no common ID with my excel file which enables me to use Feature joint.  I thought I would use the excel file  by importing in the menu of Attribute mapping   instead of manually mapping the correct the names.



You can do that by using the Import button (lower right)

  • Author
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  • April 12, 2024

 Beste @redgeographics 

  I already saw the import button, but I am not succding to make mapping.  I couldn’t indicate the Exact columns and rows(like H2:😊


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  • April 12, 2024
hiyhelg wrote:

 Beste @redgeographics 

  I already saw the import button, but I am not succding to make mapping.  I couldn’t indicate the Exact columns and rows(like H2:😊


Basically both columns need to be filled with values. So in your case eigenaar names. See my previous screenshot, where the first row should be read as “if eigenaar is Jan then eigenaar_new becomes Hans”

You can enter the values manually or read them from an existing dataset or feature cache by using the Import button. In that case you can pick whether you want to import them as Input or Output values.

Chances are that if you have an Excel with both input and output values you don’t need to use the AttributeValueMapper (it has the disadavantage that it can only be edited in FME itself and it is not dynamic) but can join it to your data. 

If you can show me what your data looks like and what your Excel looks like I can try to help you.

  • Author
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  • April 12, 2024

 You are right,  I will find a way to join the excel list and wfs

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