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Time aware ArcGIS Online Feature Service not writing.


I am not sure whether this is an FME issue or an ArcGIS Online one. But when writing to a ArcGIS Online Feature Service, writing fails if overwriting / updating a layer which has 'Time Enabled' within ArcGIS Online.

If only the single time field is selected, it appears to work ok. If a start and end time are chosen, it doesn't. Citing the error:

'addResults' error for a feature in 'Events'. The error code from the server was '1000' and the message was: 'The given key was not present in the dictionary.'

It goes away if time is disabled again within the Service an AGOL.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


5 replies


It looks - although I can't confirm it - that this is an Esri issue. See:

I checked with our developer and we don't know of a specific reason it wouldn't be supported in FME. We think it would be best to check with Esri angle and if it's not an issue with them, let us know and we will investigate more deeply.

I hope this helps and apologies for any inconvenience it is causing.

  • Author
  • July 12, 2017

Thanks Mark,

I have raised a ticket with ESRI and will update here if I get a response.

  • Author
  • July 13, 2017




The answer is indeed No, but in the future this will be possible. This problem is currently registered as a bug, ref BUG-000082878. It is due to be fixed in a future release of ArcGIS Online.



The Workaround offered is "Disable Time Settings or choose a date field, which is not an editor tracking field" if either of those help at all ? Otherwise, your patience is appreciated while the fix is developed.

  • Contributor
  • June 26, 2018

Hi there,

I see that this problem already occurred in July 2017. I have a very similar if not equal problem using the AGOL Writer for Survey123. (The same error message appeared.) Apparently ESRI still did not fix this bug.

I need the AGOL Writer for Survey123 for migrating data of a former application with similar functionality. The Survey is already active in the Production environment. At the moment I am working in a Development/Test environment in order to prepare the data migration and develop the required FME Workspace for it. By changing the AGOL Writer settings it should be easy to switch to the Production environment and do the actual data migration.

I am working on this problem now. For the moment it looks like that by changing the form within Survey123 migration of data is possible via a Workaround. By removing the "now()" function in the spread sheet (tab "survey") and uploading/publishing the form again I experienced no problems in writing the data. (Within the FME log errors did appear but checking the data with the Data Inspector showed me that all the data could be written.)

See the image of the spread sheet (tab "survey"):

I can now migrate the data. I do still have a concern that by executing the trick of removing the "now()" function that the Production environment needs to be inactive for the user group in order to change the form, removing the now() function, migrate the data using FME and changing the form back again in the original form such that the now() function is active again. A solution that might work but that has (severe) implications. These days I will look into that problem with another (ArcGIS Online) expert.

Any ideas or suggestions to solve this problem are welcome!

Best Regards, Jochgem

I have faced same issue when I tried to upload the data to our operation dashboard and it's not working with me it shown the following error :-

ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: 'addResults' error for a feature in "Layer Name". The error code from the server was '1000' and the message was: 'String or binary data would be truncated.


After investigation I found one of the entry from the source > SQL DB is not match ArcGIS online field length ,it was description field I have decrease number of character to match with field length in the target and it's work wih me. .

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