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How to combine metadata with Tiff to create GEOTiff?

  • September 14, 2018
  • 5 replies


So I have a collection of 50 Tiff files (historical aerial images). Metadata exists in a separate file, and I get to choose - CSV, XML (FGDC), or KML for the Metadata (I have the metadata in each of the formats.)

Metadata includes: Raster Filename, Lat/Lon of image centers, Lat/Lon of each image corner, as well as some more specifics on the image collection.

My question is- how do I combine the metadata with the raster files and write out to GeoTiff?

I tried FeatureMerge and the data inspector shows what I expect to see after the merge- raster files that have a feature table. When I go to write the files, this "feature table" (metadata information from CSV, in this case) disappears.

What am I doing wrong here?



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Hi @andrewdavidclar,

Have you tried using a RasterGeoreferencer? I noticed this similar Q&A; question which suggests the transformer. This will allow you to write out key metadata into your Geotiff. For additional metadata, perhaps consider using the AttributeCreator.

Another potential solution is to create the sister world file, TFW, which holds that metadata. You can find more information on how to do that in this article: Creating World Files.


@JovitaAtSafe Thanks, I tried using the RasterGeoreferencer, but it doesn't accept the coordinates of the shapefile quadrilaterals (it seems they are not rectangular)

I will try the attribute creator, but I'm starting to give up hope on this ever working

andrewdavidclar wrote:

@JovitaAtSafe Thanks, I tried using the RasterGeoreferencer, but it doesn't accept the coordinates of the shapefile quadrilaterals (it seems they are not rectangular)

I will try the attribute creator, but I'm starting to give up hope on this ever working

Any chance you can share one or two of the images with the corresponding metadata?



  • Safer
  • September 18, 2018

Hi @andrewdavidclar,

Please have a look at the AffineWarper transformer.

Create control vectors as 2 point lines - the first coordinate being the pixel coordinate of the corner, the second being the long/lat of that corner.

Given at least four vectors, the transformer will calculate a best fit affine transformation and apply it to the raster. The Geotiff format writer will store this transformation on the image as its georeferencing, without changing the actual image at all.


I found an alternative solution.

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