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How to read child ArcGIS Service Layers?

  • May 13, 2019
  • 1 reply

Hello. I'm currently trying to figure out a way to extract 3D layers from a project I have online. I'm able to extract the parent layers, but I'm having trouble trying to get attributes from the child layers. I'm using a JSONFeature Reader, ListExploder, and a FeatureReader, but perhaps my parameters aren't correct. If anyone has any suggestions on a workflow, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

1 reply


Hi @spizam, Can you elaborate more on your workflow, I notice that you are using JSONFeatureReader, but we have a few dedicate Reader/Writer for ArcGIS ONLINE, Portal and Server layers.

Here is a quick overview of these Reader Writer formats

Esri ArcGISONLINE Features

Esri ArcGIS Portal Feature Service

Esri ArcGIS Server Feature Service

Can you test your data using one of the above Reader?

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