Hi There,
I have recently upgraded to FME 2018 and am having some issues connecting to an Oracle database. I am running Windows 10 and have tried both FME 2018.1 (Beta) and FME 2018.0 and not any luck.
I have recently acquired a new machine so I have had to set up everything from scratch. These are the steps I have completed:
- Downloaded and installed Oracle Instant Client 12.2.
- Unzipped and extracted to C:\\oracle\\instant_client_12_2
- Added folder as above to system PATH environment variable
- Set up tnsnames.ora file (this isn't essential, but I tried since I had no luck using the service name or easy connect string):
- Added tnsnames.ora to same folder as above
- Added TNS_ADMIN system environment variable, set to the same folder
- Tested my connection via:
- ping - ping hostname
- McTnsping - ping tns connection and easy connection string
- Oracle SQL developer - tested connecting via basic connection and tns
- Toad - tested basic connection and tns
In all cases everything looked good and appeared to work. However for some reason I could not connect via any 2018 version of FME. The error I would receive was "Unable to connect to Oracle database, because the database environment could not be initialized...".
Because I was so confident in my steps, I rolled back to an older version of FME (2017.1) which I remember having no trouble with. As expected, everything was working fine in FME 2017.1.
I am curious to understand whether this is a bug, or if any of the necessary setup steps have changed for FME 2018.
I should also point out that I am required to be on a corporate proxy at all times, and must be on a VPN to connect to the particular database I am after. As mentioned, everything is working perfectly in FME 2017.1.