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Why my update detector is not passing a record through to the update port?


I am comparing two feature classes in separate GIS sdes. I made a copy of one and put it in the other sde. So they were exactly the same to start. I changed the SYNGERGEN_ID value in one field in one record to test the update detector using . I expected that the one record would be passed through the update port. However, it is going out of the inserted and deleted port instead. Thank you in advance for your responses.

4 replies

  • Contributor
  • March 16, 2018

Likely the Update detector is looking for changes to features with the same SYNGERGEN_ID value. If you modify this value the UpdateDetector will think that it's a new record. Try instead editing the geometry a little or changing the value of a different attribute.


This is good to know. The key attributes in update detector that I am using is a GlobalID from one feature class and a renamed GUID field that matches the GlobalID from the other feature class instead of SYNERGEN_ID. I also tried adding a stringformatter on the GUID and GlobalID fields with 38s as the format to see if the update detector would read the fields the same way. The record is still going out of the inserted and deleted port. Here is the tricky part, I need to use update because I don't want the GlobalID to change.


Well, I added a string concantenator after the reader that added a { and } at the beginning and end of the GUID field. That seem to do the trick. Matt, I appreciate you looking into this and providing an answer. added-concatenator.png

lmawhinney7175 wrote:

Well, I added a string concantenator after the reader that added a { and } at the beginning and end of the GUID field. That seem to do the trick. Matt, I appreciate you looking into this and providing an answer. added-concatenator.png

You have to add the { and } to you GUID because at the moment FME is inconsistent when reading GlobalIDs and GUIDs.


GlobalID FME reads as; {9D7F6463-7F91-45E4-B8AA-785BCC83AC63}


GUID FME reads as: 9D7F6463-7F91-45E4-B8AA-785BCC83AC63


We have a change request PR676422 to make FME more consistent when reading GlobalIDs and GUIDs


You don't usually need to clutter your workspace with a StringConcatenator. In most transformers where you need to join on GUID & GlobalID, you can add the {} in the transformer, i.e. FeatureMerger:




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