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FME Data Inspector takes too long




I have noticed that FME Data Inspector is taking to way too long to open sometimes about 30-40min. It stays on splash screen. Also FME workbench doesn't end translation it keeps running for any simple translation even after following message in log window




Translation was SUCCESSFUL with 0 warning(s) (6 feature(s) output)


FME Session Duration: 2.5 seconds. (CPU: 1.5s user, 0.6s system)


END - ProcessID: 984, peak process memory usage: 134752 kB, current process memory usage: 134752 kB




Everytime I have to terminate it by clicking "stop translation" button.



Is there any reason for this?






2 replies

  • Contributor
  • July 10, 2014
I know this happende to me also.




But then i found out that it was due to working on excell files wich where opened.


Not files i was writing to, cause, but wich where used to read data from (if memory serves me right) This was prior to fme2013 sp2.



So, what wre\\are you working on etc.?

  • Author
  • July 10, 2014
It's simple translation from any format to shape. After successful completion translation keeps running. I tried restarting the system and running with only application FME desktop 2014 SP1  open but still issue pesists.

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