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Writing to Microsoft SQL Server Spatial + Adding my own identity type.

  • March 13, 2018
  • 1 reply


I am writing to my database (SQL Server Spatial) and would like to in this case, overwrite the automatic sequential numbering system that SQL Server gives each attribute. Any idea how I would go about this?

1 reply

  • Contributor
  • March 21, 2018

Hi @torro, are you inserting features or truncating the table? Did you want to drop the sequence and re-create it? If so, you might be able to drop and then create a sequence on the table using the SQL Before/After translation on the SQL Server Writer. Alternatively, you could use an SQLCreator to drop it, then write with a FeatureWriter, and create the sequence again with an SQLExecutor (that is initiated by the FeatureWriter summary feature).


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