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Insufficient Memory > How to group data in segments?

Dear FME community,



I have a rather large mapinfo dataset of forest polygons which I would like to generalize. The amalgamator has produced good results for a subset.



However, if I let it run on the whole dataset, I get the prominent message which other users also have reported: "Insufficient memory available -- error code was 2"



I tried to seperate the data into smaller segments using the tiler and to save it as an FFS file (hoping FME handles it better than the MapInfo TAB). The seperation has worked, but the FME saves the data as one dataset with many features (as expected), but it loads the data together at the beginning as one file.



Is there an easy way to seperate the data into groups so that the amalgamator or dissolver doesen't have to handle as much data at one time?



Kind regards



3 replies

  • Contributor
  • August 5, 2014



You could create the workspace to be run trough a workspacerunner.



Link Max Features to read to a user parameter. (see navigator panel =>parameters=>advanced)



The workspace wich will run this  then can feed the number of feature to read. Workspace must wait till complete.


U can call the workspace runner by (total number of features)/(Max Features to read) so it will cycle trough all features.

  • Author
  • August 7, 2014
Thanks for the tip with the WorkspaceRunner.  This seems to be working.



I have split the data using the Tiler into several datasets. The workspace which contains the WorkspaceRunner loads the Base-Workspace for each dataset. It only reloads the next FeatureType when one dataset is written out completely. Therefore, no memory problems did occur so far.



Hower, this approach poses another difficulty. In my workspace, I have added the MultiLayerAreaGeneralizer to simplify and smoothe the forest boundaries. This transformer obviously looses all attribute values. I tried to fanout by fme_feature_type, but it doesn't contain a value after this transformer. Before, the values are still there.



Is there a way to keep the attributes after the generalization?



Kind regards





  • Author
  • August 7, 2014
Just to let you know that the problem is solved.



The MultiLayerAreaGeneralizer is a Custom transformer which uses an AreaBuilder. In that, the group by function had to be added by the attribute fme_feature_type or whatever attribute should be kept. With that, it forwards the attributes without problems.



Kind regards



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