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Fatal error occurs when loading one polygon to SDO database

Any one could know this problem?



It is fine for a polygon that consists of many polygons by using FME's GeometryValidator and inspector to view the polygon. However, when using FME to load it into SDO database, the following error occur, and no geometry inserted.




"An error occurred while converting feature information to an Oracle object in column `GEOMETRY'


A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details


This occurred while attempting to process the following feature:


The following row was not written to Oracle table because of errors converting columns: GEOMETRY



4 replies

  • March 10, 2014



be aware that the GeometryValidator will only validate in an FME context. There is therefore always a chance that a geometry will pass the GeometryValidator but still fail when being written to the output format, since the criteria may differ.



One way to debug this error could be to isolate the problematic feature, convert the geoemtry to WKT (use the GeometryExtractor with type "OGC Well Known Text") and then try to insert it manually into Oracle, e.g. something like



select into MY_TABLE ("OBJECTID", "SHAPE") values (999999, SDO_UTIL.FROM_WKTGEOMETRY('<WKT string here>'))




  • Contributor
  • March 10, 2014

There are a couple commands in SDO wich allow u to check the required format in your database.


If u read that, u can compare it to FME output. Prior to write-attempt to database ofcourse..



Often u have to set or reset some values to confomr to Oracles SDO for your particular database requirements.



QA search on on oracle_geometry, g





  • Author
  • March 13, 2014
When getting fatal error in the middle of log file, FME run still shows successful in the end of the log file for data translation. It may be better to throw an error message to the user.

  • Author
  • March 13, 2014
Because this polygon is large and also includes many small polygons, how could it be inserted into Oracle spatial table by FME or Oracle tool?

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