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Is there a way to give FBX models attributes to save for later?

  • March 16, 2021
  • 1 reply

I have the geometry for a city that I created in FME using 3d extractor/extruder from building footprints. I then exported that as an fbx (I tried exporting as a shp file but it couldn't export as a multipatch). This was mostly as a checkpoint because the process of creating this geometry creates hundreds of GB of temporary files. I reimport them into another workspace as an FBX to assign attributes and export as Cesium 3D tiles. Now the problem is that the fbx doesn't have the attributes from the first translation that I would need to assign it attributes. 


Is there a way I could carry over those attributes? I mostly need this to find the heights of the buildings that was used in the extruder transformer

1 reply


FBX cannot store attributes unfortunately and shapefile also struggles with attributes given the limit on the attribute name length.

As a tip you can turn off the temp file storing by turning off Feature Caching in the run menu. This should speed up your process.

Add Inspector transformers at the spots where you need to see the data in the middle of the workflow.


If you really want to have an intermediary file then you should use a 'Recorder' transformer. This will save it as an FFS and keep everything as it was.

To reuse the FFS file, simple add a 'Player' transformer and it will start where you left off. Alternatively you can add a FFS reader.


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