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Provide a graph showing anticipated server load of schedule jobs

Related products:FME Flow


As the FME Server Administrator, I manage our FME Server Production environment. We make heavy use of Scheduling FME Jobs. Our organization has many jobs that run every day, all day, and this is a result of 100s of schedules jobs that are scheduled to run at different intervals, running every few minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.

I want to see a vertical bar graph report that shows the occurrence of schedule jobs over a period of time (day, month, x months, or year) - projected into the future.

This would help identify times where there are just too many jobs scheduled in a period (ex. where hour, day, week, and monthly scheduled jobs all attempt to run in a very short time frame) and there are not enough engines to handle that many jobs efficiently.

To do this, however, an enhancement to the Schedules would be to allow a user to add an estimated "Run Duration" so the vertical bar graph could accurately depict overlapping schedule jobs with the number of engines. (over time this information could be pulled from the job logs for more accurate estimation)

As I continue to expand the number of scheduled jobs, I suspect at some point I'll need to add more engines or rework the schedules to avoid jobs from being queue longer than the business deems appropriate.

The complexity of this calculation is increased by having parent/child jobs chained together... but the estimated "Run Duration" could be tweaked to include the duration of the child jobs as well.

I want to be able to do this so that I can determine or detect future problems with engine availabilty and engine demand.

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