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Cannot find KML reference ICON




I am pretty new to FME and transforming an ESRI GDB to KMZ for visualization purposes. I have a point file with ~10 different categories and I am using a KMLStyler to set the point's icon conditionally, ie campgrounds get one icon, beaches get another.  I was wanting to use the icons/gme/ icons (example gme/gx_campground icon for campgrounds), but after my workbench runs I  have the message:


"KML: Cannot find the referenced icon: `'. Setting the icon href anyways"


The expected ouput icon in Google Earth is replaced with a small X. To me it sounds as if FME does not have the icons it thought it did, or is unable to set them for some unknown reason. Does anyone have anyadvice?






3 replies

  • Contributor
  • November 25, 2015
This issue is likely due to the GME icons being shipped as .bmp files, which the KML writer did not support in FME 2014. This was fixed in FME 2015, please download FME 2015 or higher.

  • November 25, 2015
I have found that there has to be both a "D2.png" and a "D2.bmp" in the given folder for the KMLWriter to find the icon. This is true in the <fme install dir>\\icons folder, but not in the <fme install dir>\\icons\\gme folder, where they are just BMPs. My version of FME is FME 2015.

  • Contributor
  • November 27, 2015
jimo wrote:
I have found that there has to be both a "D2.png" and a "D2.bmp" in the given folder for the KMLWriter to find the icon. This is true in the <fme install dir>\\icons folder, but not in the <fme install dir>\\icons\\gme folder, where they are just BMPs. My version of FME is FME 2015.

Hi @jimo. I don't think that the KML writer should require both a .png and .bmp file to be present. The KML Time Functions demo uses a gme icon, and it runs fine on my machine in FME 2015.

You could try editing the icon value from e.g. "gme/gx_campground" to "gme/gx_campground.bmp"

If you continue to experience difficulties, would you please provide your build number, information about whether your FME is installed locally, sample data and workspace in a support request.


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