I have a simple workspace that calls an external json service. I can open and run it without any issues on my laptop. But when I open it on a Windows server, it gives a few such errors "The class 'COM/safe/fmewebservices/FMENamedConnectionEnv" could not be located. Check your classpath
Error getting id for 'COM/safe/fmewebservices/FMENamedConnectionEnv' with signature 'COM/safe/fmewebservices/FMENamedConnectionEnv'". The workspace actually runs correctly on the server. But I want to fix this error. I don't have a system variable called classpath on the server. I have a Classpath system variable on my laptop as ";C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\EMC\\ExJNIAPIGateway.jar". But if I delete it, the workspace on the laptop still has no issues at all so I am not sure what Classpath is needed for FME web service call.