I am trying to download a csv with this url (https://waterinfo.rws.nl/api/Download/CSV?expertParameter=Waterhoogte___20Oppervlaktewater___20t.o.v.___20Normaal___20Amsterdams___20Peil___20in___20cm&locationSlug=Delfzijl(DLFZ)&timehorizon=-24,24) using FME.
The csv contains data about the water level in the past 24 hours and the expected water level in the next 24 hours for a specific location. I have tried with the http caller but that doensn't work. Is there a way to download the csv using FME or to read the data in another way with a FME reader/transformer? In the attachment I have included the csv that should be the result of the download.
I hope someone can help me.