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What's Up Wednesday (12-Jan-2022): The .2.2 update, REST APIs, FME Cloud redesigned, and a small gift for our awesome community!

  • January 12, 2022
  • 1 reply


Hello everyone,

This is the FME news for 12th January, 2022.


FME2021.2.2 Update

Although 2022 is very close, we still release updates to 2021. In this case version 2021.2.2 was updated yesterday:



Except... a number of keen-eyed users noticed that the installed FME was still flagged as 2021.2.1. So what happened? Well, that's on us. We uploaded build 21805 when we meant to upload 21806. Sorry. We'll upload 21806 shortly.


If you did install 21805 then you're one build short. What's missing in the extra build? Well, let's look at what's new in general.


So 2021.2.2 is minor fixes (not new functionality) and there were fixes for:


  • SchemaScanner transformer
  • GeoJSON Writer (when writing Mapbox Styler properties)
  • Log4j updates (see this page for the latest info)
  • Cesium format (on a Japanese Windows machine) also a fix for version numbers
  • HTTPCaller (GUI fixes)
  • Garmin (improve reaction to incorrect GPSBabel version)


Only the last item was part of 21806, so if you can live without that, you can stay on build 21805. The most important thing is that Log4j was updated in 21805, so if that was your reason for updating, then you're covered (plus remember that FME wasn't affected anyway).


User and Partner Updates

From various social media sources, I see...




To see more... well, I keep up with news like this by following the tags #fme and #fmecommunity on LinkedIn.


FME Cloud Updates

As reported on the Safe blog today, FME Cloud got a very thorough redesign and I have to say that it looks fantastic. Here's the new Create Instance page:



It's not just a new look either. There is more functionality in there for monitoring, alerts, and management. Kudos to my colleagues in the Cloud team because I think they've done an excellent job with this.


For more information, read the full blog article.


A Small Gift for You: Custom Bookmark Palettes

I like to think that we can give little extras to the #FMECommunity occasionally. Today I'm making available something small, but with a big visual impact: custom bookmark palettes.


The standard Safe palette for bookmark colours is fine:



...but select User-Defined palette and you get import and export options that mean we can create something a little funkier! I started out with general themes (here's my "funny names" palette):



...went on to sports teams:



...and finally, famous artworks (here's my Monet's Waterlilies palette):



OK, it's just a bit of fun but it does highlight how you can customize the look and feel of FME to style your workspaces a little better.


You can download the palette files from this link to a GitHub repository. Have fun and if you have ideas for other palettes - or create your own - then do let me know.


Also let me know if you can think of items like this we can produce to help out the FME Community (custom header images for Server apps perhaps?)


FME Hub Updates

In case you missed it (or aren't signed up for updates) the FME Hub delivers a monthly summary of what's new on the site. The December 2021 update shows a few items of interest such as an AttributeOffsetter/Scaler, Infor API transformers, transformers for handling LRS events, and my own Humanitarian XL custom format.


So go check it out, because you don't know what useful tools you might find.


FME Webinars and User Presentations

We have a few new webinars listed for 2022, but - perhaps more importantly - this is the time when we start to plan for the next quarter. If there is anything you would like to see covered in a webinar then let me know and I will pass it on.


And don't forget that there is a current Call for Presentations for the FME World Tour and FME User Conference. In this changing world, I don't know what form these events will take, but I know we're all hoping for a real face-to-face event for the conference at least. If you'd like to present - in whatever form it takes - click the link above and let us know.

1 reply

  • Evangelist
  • January 13, 2022

hanks @mark2atsafe​ 

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