Hi @witos,
Thank you for contacting Safe Software Support. Now that we have understood the issue I wanted to also update this post on the Forum so that the answer is available publicly for anyone else that may run into this issue.
The reason you are running into this error is because the FME licensing agreement only allows a maximum of eight fme.exe processes to run in parallel.
In FME Server 2016 there are three ways I know of that could cause you to hit this error:
- Running on a single engine your parent workspace contains 9 layers of workspaces with fmeserverjobsubmitters in each. Note only one fme.exe process is launched per workspace no matter how many JobSubmitters it contains.
- Across multiple engines you have workspaces that launch multiple layers of child jobs which combined add up to more than 8.
- If you cancelled a job containing a JobSubmitter the fme.exe process failed to shut down so is taking up part of the total count even though it isn't being used - this was a known issue in 2016.
This is because in 2016 the behaviour mirrored that of FME Desktop and so was monitoring these fme.exe processes on a per machine basis. If you have multiple engines the workaround would be to deploy these on different machines.
In FME Server 2017.1 and newer this has been rectified and is now on a per engine basis. This can be observed in Windows Task Manager as it now launches additional fmeengine.exe processes instead of fme.exe processes to avoid these being counted like for desktop engines.
There were a number of problems with FMEServerJobSubmitter in 2016 which Cat highlighted. However I have also updated the Maximum Concurrent Processes article that covers this error to include the fme.exe per machine limitation that is on 2017 and older.