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FME Warning: Failed to free sufficient memory (while 30GB of memory are free)

  • September 6, 2023
  • 9 replies


FME shows the following warning during the translation:

2023-09-06 10:24:29|5015.8|  0.3|WARN  |Failed to free sufficient memory to reach the process usage limit. To improve stability and performance please increase the memory available to FME. Available memory can be increased by adding physical RAM, increasing swap space, or closing other applications

I'm using FME(R) 2022.2.1.0 (20221202 - Build 22776 - WIN64) on Windows 10 22H2 Build 19045.2006. I have 64 GB of memory. FME uses about 10 GB during that translation and 50% of RAM are free. Why does FME show this warning when there should be enough free space?


FME says it's trying to free memory because it doesn't have enough memory, right? Why does FME fail to free memory? How can FME achieve that goal? What does it do to free memory?


And what is the process usage limit?


Also I get these log messages and I feel like optimizing memory usage takes up very much time. Does the "Optimizing Memory Usage" message have to do with the warning above? I haven't seen that message before. What does "... Last line repeated 4 times ..." mean?

2023-09-06 11:06:00|7507.0|  0.0|INFORM|Aggregator_7 (AggregateFactory): Finished processing group 5741500 / 7591222
2023-09-06 11:06:00|7507.1|  0.1|INFORM|ResourceManager: Optimizing Memory Usage.  Please wait...
2023-09-06 11:06:05|7512.0|  4.9|INFORM|... Last line repeated 30 times ...
2023-09-06 11:06:05|7512.0|  0.0|INFORM|Aggregator_7 (AggregateFactory): 75.74% complete
2023-09-06 11:06:05|7512.0|  0.0|INFORM|Aggregator_7 (AggregateFactory): Finished processing group 5750000 / 7591222
2023-09-06 11:06:05|7512.0|  0.0|INFORM|ResourceManager: Optimizing Memory Usage.  Please wait...
2023-09-06 11:06:11|7517.2|  5.2|INFORM|... Last line repeated 33 times ...
2023-09-06 11:06:11|7517.2|  0.0|INFORM|Aggregator_7 (AggregateFactory): Finished processing group 5759000 / 7591222
2023-09-06 11:06:11|7517.4|  0.2|INFORM|ResourceManager: Optimizing Memory Usage.  Please wait...
2023-09-06 11:06:11|7517.5|  0.1|INFORM|Aggregator_7 (AggregateFactory): 75.87% complete
2023-09-06 11:06:11|7517.5|  0.0|INFORM|ResourceManager: Optimizing Memory Usage.  Please wait...
2023-09-06 11:06:16|7522.4|  4.9|INFORM|... Last line repeated 30 times ...
2023-09-06 11:06:16|7522.4|  0.0|INFORM|Aggregator_7 (AggregateFactory): Finished processing group 5767500 / 7591222
2023-09-06 11:06:16|7522.4|  0.0|INFORM|ResourceManager: Optimizing Memory Usage.  Please wait...
2023-09-06 11:06:16|7523.1|  0.7|INFORM|... Last line repeated 4 times ...


9 replies


Hello there @dsign-world​, are you able to review the suggestions mentioned under the 'Optimizing Memory Usage' section of the Performance Tuning in FME: Memory Management article and see if you can tweak anything? If none of the listed suggestions help resolve the memory issue, please feel free to reach out with an update! A few other things you can try: disable feature caching (article), or purge temporary files (doc). Happy to help, Kailin

  • Author
  • Contributor
  • October 11, 2023
kailinatsafe wrote:

Hello there @dsign-world​, are you able to review the suggestions mentioned under the 'Optimizing Memory Usage' section of the Performance Tuning in FME: Memory Management article and see if you can tweak anything? If none of the listed suggestions help resolve the memory issue, please feel free to reach out with an update! A few other things you can try: disable feature caching (article), or purge temporary files (doc). Happy to help, Kailin

I had to load a big table in FME and I required all of its columns, so there was no way to optimize that (other than not using FME and using SQL instead). I reduced the amount of data as soon as possible inside the workspace.

The question is, why does FME start optimizing memory usage when most of my RAM is free? The FME Memory Management article says that FME starts optimizing memory usage once it reaches the upper limit mentioned in the log. But I didn't save the complete log unfortunately.

System Status: 64.00 GB of physical memory available
System Status: 256.00 GB of virtual memory available
FME Configuration: Start freeing memory when the process exceeds 192.00 GB or address space exceeds 16777216.00 TB
FME Configuration: Stop freeing memory when the process is below 144.00 GB and address space is below 16777216.00 TB

But it seems like FME usually has a much larger amount of memory available before it is supposed to start optimizing memory usage.

dsign-world wrote:

I had to load a big table in FME and I required all of its columns, so there was no way to optimize that (other than not using FME and using SQL instead). I reduced the amount of data as soon as possible inside the workspace.

The question is, why does FME start optimizing memory usage when most of my RAM is free? The FME Memory Management article says that FME starts optimizing memory usage once it reaches the upper limit mentioned in the log. But I didn't save the complete log unfortunately.

System Status: 64.00 GB of physical memory available
System Status: 256.00 GB of virtual memory available
FME Configuration: Start freeing memory when the process exceeds 192.00 GB or address space exceeds 16777216.00 TB
FME Configuration: Stop freeing memory when the process is below 144.00 GB and address space is below 16777216.00 TB

But it seems like FME usually has a much larger amount of memory available before it is supposed to start optimizing memory usage.

Hello @dsign-world​, thanks for replying! I got some additional information on how memory management works in FME, hopefully this will help answer some of your questions. Unfortunately the initial memory limit logged is not necessarily always accurate when we start optimizing memory. FME will start freeing memory when that limit is reached, but we may also start freeing memory before that limit is reached if we detect that the system is potentially in a low memory state. Are you using a Windows machine by chance?


On Windows, FME Form will check for a low memory state based on how close the system commit total is compared to the system commit limit (this page has a short description of these values).


Before requesting a workspace for testing, it might be helpful if you can save and share a complete logfile with FME_DEBUG enabled. You can enable FME Debug Logging under Tools > FME Options > Translation > Log Message Filter. This will tell FME Form to log additional debug messages regarding what decisions it's making around memory. 


If you feel like FME is not being aggressive enough with memory, you could potentially try adjusting it's approach with the FME_ENGINE_MEMORY_REDLINE setting (as described in this article), though that's not something we generally recommend (it also may not actually help, as changing that setting doesn't impact the "low memory state" check that we may be hitting). I know there is a lot of information here, so no rush getting back to me! All the best, Kailin. 

  • Contributor
  • September 24, 2024

I have been having a very similar issue. Did you have your problem solved? How did you make FME Flow use your memory resources better?


Have you tried to turn off FeatureCaching?

  • Contributor
  • September 24, 2024
nielsgerrits wrote:

Have you tried to turn off FeatureCaching?

Yes, I did. But this is happening into FME server which is supposed to have its own caching memory. What I did to solve it was changing the folder FME_TEMP to a bigger drive. This seem to solve this issue. 

  • Supporter
  • January 6, 2025

I’m getting this same error with FME Workstation when there is ample free memory: peak process memory consumed is ~290 megabytes while available memory is ~64 gigabytes, let alone temp and virtual memory.

Turning off feature caching is not an option. The whole point of using desktop FME for us is to inspect intermediate data states.

FME Configuration: FME_PRODUCT_NAME is 'FME(R) 2024.1.0.0'
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit  (Build 19045)
FME Platform: WIN64
System Status: 112.66 GB of disk space available in the FME temporary folder (C:\FMETemp\wbrun_1736201005077_5612\fmetmp_3)
System Status: 63.72 GB of physical memory available
Failed to free sufficient memory to reach the process usage limit. To improve stability and performance please increase the memory available to FME. Available memory can be increased by adding physical RAM, increasing swap space, or closing other applications
System Status: 254.86 GB of virtual memory available

START - ProcessID: 20404, peak process memory usage: 42944 kB, current process memory usage: 42944 kB

END - ProcessID: 20404, peak process memory usage: 293256 kB, current process memory usage: 251220 kB says FME will give info at start of translation on when it plans to start freeing memory. I don’t see those lines in my log. All  occurrences of “memory” in my log are shown above.

  • Supporter
  • January 6, 2025

I do get the start/stop freeing messages after turning on debug logging. It’s very high, and doesn’t provide insight on why FME thinks it’s constrained.

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit  (Build 19045)
FME Platform: WIN64
System Status: 110.22 GB of disk space available in the FME temporary folder (C:\FMETemp\wbrun_1736201005077_5612\fmetmp_4)
System Status: 63.72 GB of physical memory available
System Status: 254.86 GB of virtual memory available
START - ProcessID: 34584, peak process memory usage: 43460 kB, current process memory usage: 43460 kB
FME Configuration: Command line arguments are `C:\Program Files\FME\fme.exe' `\\envgeoserver\dev\WildlifeKeyArea\FME\Dev\wb-xlate-1736204935880_5612' `LOG_STANDARDOUT' `YES' `LOG_TIMINGS' `YES' `LogCountServerName' `54985' `DEBUG_PORT' `54984' `LOG_STANDARDOUT' `No' `WORKBENCH_LOG_SERVER' `54981' `FME_DEBUG' `EXTRA'

FME Configuration: Start freeing memory when the process exceeds 191.15 GB or address space exceeds 16777216.00 TB
FME Configuration: Stop freeing memory when the process is below 143.36 GB and address space is below 16777216.00 TB

END - ProcessID: 34584, peak process memory usage: 330868 kB, current process memory usage: 284716 kB

  • Supporter
  • January 6, 2025

Whoa, this is so weird!

After turning on and off debug logging, I’m now seeing start/stop seeing memory lines in my log on every run --and-- I don’t have the insufficient memory errors anymore. I didn’t change any other settings, or launch/close any other programs. Available disk space is actually a few GB lower than when I started seeing this error.

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