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Configure location for Shared Folders

Hi all, I am new to FME and got a configuration question.


I noticed that when I start an FME translation, so-called "shared folders" are created ( Obviously, there is a default location below which these folders are created. For me, this default location is '<USERDIR>\\Documents\\FME'.


I have seen that under


Tools > FME Options > Default Paths > Shared FME Folders 


the paths for these shared folders can be configured.


However, it appears that there, only an EXTRA location is configured - IN ADDITION to the default location. I.e. if under "Shared FME Folders", I specify for example 'C:\\MyPrograms\\FME_Shared_Folders' as additional shared folder location, the shared folders are created at TWO locations, namely (also see attached image '01_shared folders log.png'):


  • C:\\MyPrograms\\FME_Shared_Folders
  • <USERDIR>\\Documents\\FME


Is there any way to ensure the shared folders are created EXCLUSIVELY under the additional location I specified ('C:\\MyPrograms\\FME_Shared_Folders'), and NOT also under the default location ('<USERDIR>\\Documents\\FME')?


[The background is that my work notebook is set up in such a way that at least parts of my user data are stored on a network drive (besides the Documents folder, e.g. my Desktop folder is also stored on a network drive). Accessing files from this network drive is of course much slower than when the files are stored directly on the notebook's hard disk. When I start an FME translation, it always takes quite a long time until all preparations are finished and the actual run starts (can be easily tracked from the log messages). I suspect that this sluggishness is at least partly caused by the fact that at the start of the translation, the existence of these shared folders in the default location is checked (and that they are also created if necessary). ]



3 replies


Hello @lbd-kufers​ , I think once you create a new shared location, everything written to the previously set default location will need to be manually moved to your new shared location. It might be worth noting, although shared folders are customizable, there are certain things (eg. custom transformers, packages, etc.) that will always be written under the user directory (app profile). Is there something in particular you’re trying to write to "C:\\MyPrograms\\FME_Shared_Folders"?

  • Author
  • May 18, 2022

Hi @kailinatsafe​ ,


thank you for your response.


There is nothing I need to move to the new shared folder location, all the folders (CoordinateSystemExceptions, CoordinateSystems, Formats, Licences, Plugins, etc.) in the default location are empty, anyway.


I would like to specify an alternative location where ALL files (including the 'certain things' like custom transformers, packages, etc) will be written to (since the Documents folder of my user is on the network drive and this really slows down the translations because the connection to the network drive is slow from home office). The setup on my notebook is a bit weird since e.g. my Desktop folder oder my Documents folder are on a network drive whereas e.g. the Downloads folder is on the local hard drive C.


However, from you answer, I reckon that FME creates files for which one obviously cannot configure the location. Hence, I may ask our my IT if they can change the Documents folder to point to somewhere on my local hard drive and not a network drive.


Thanks again and best regards

lbd-kufers wrote:

Hi @kailinatsafe​ ,


thank you for your response.


There is nothing I need to move to the new shared folder location, all the folders (CoordinateSystemExceptions, CoordinateSystems, Formats, Licences, Plugins, etc.) in the default location are empty, anyway.


I would like to specify an alternative location where ALL files (including the 'certain things' like custom transformers, packages, etc) will be written to (since the Documents folder of my user is on the network drive and this really slows down the translations because the connection to the network drive is slow from home office). The setup on my notebook is a bit weird since e.g. my Desktop folder oder my Documents folder are on a network drive whereas e.g. the Downloads folder is on the local hard drive C.


However, from you answer, I reckon that FME creates files for which one obviously cannot configure the location. Hence, I may ask our my IT if they can change the Documents folder to point to somewhere on my local hard drive and not a network drive.


Thanks again and best regards

Hello @lbd-kufers​ , thanks for the explanation! I decided to run this past development (for clarification). They confirmed there is no way to remove that particular UserHome (eg. documents folder on windows) to resolve the slow down you're experiencing. I'm terribly sorry I don't have better news! However, if you're interested, it may be worth posting an idea on the FME Community, and linking it here for other users to easily find! (I did look but there isn't a idea for this yet). Best, Kailin.

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