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Line on Line intersect

  • September 11, 2013
  • 2 replies

I’m trying to perform a line on line intersect which is very straightforward in ArcMap using 'Analysis Tool'->'Overlay'->'Intersect' tool, but trying to do this in FME is proving quite challenging. The two networks that I’m trying to intersect for the most part are similar, but there instances where spatially they are not identical and can diverge by up to 25m.


In the screenshot below you can see where the red and blue lines (networks) that I need to intersect converge then diverge, and the yellow is the result of using the intersect tool in ArcMap with an XY tolerance of 25 meters.



Additionally I need to maintain the attributes of each network in the resultant output.



2 replies

  • September 11, 2013
Whooops not sure what happened. Can a moderator please assign this question to my user profile.

  • September 11, 2013



here is a possible solution, where A and B are the two line networks:


  • Use a buffer on network A with a radius of 25m
  • Send the buffer and network B into a LineOnAreaOverlayer
  • Network B will exit the LINE port with the attributes of network A assigned
You can also specify a list in the LineOnAreaOverlayer that you can use to further analyse more complex cases such as intersections, etc.




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