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FME Server 2019, FMEserverjobsubmitter problems

  • November 6, 2019
  • 1 reply





After upgrading our FME Server from version 2017 to 2019.1, we get errors when running workbenches that uses the FMEserverjobsubmitter. We have a large workbench that is scheduled to run on the FME Server at 00:01 every night. It forks off other workbenches by running the FMEserverjobsubmitter transformer to submit jobs to the FME Server itself using a web connection (with address http://localhost, admin-account and password). We have the job scheduled in the "Schedules"-tab in FME-server.

When the job is automatically triggered by the schedule all calls to the FMEserverjobsubmitter gives the following error: "FMEServerJobSubmitter (ServerJobSubmissionFactory): Could not initialize connection to server "http://__OMITTED__". Unable to use web connection to connect to FME Server. If connecting to FME Server 2013 or older, use direct connection."

However, when triggering the exact same job manually (by pressing the "Trigger"-button in "Schedules"-tab) and not changing any input parameters, the workbench runs just fine. Our workbench uses version 1 of the FMEserverjobsubmitter.

Are you aware of any issues running the FMEserverjobsubmitter on FME Server 2019.1? How can there be a difference in behavior between an automatically triggered job and a manually triggered job on the FME Server? We run FME Server 2019.1 Build 19608 - win64 and we never experienced anything similar on FME Server 2017.

1 reply

  • Contributor
  • November 6, 2019

The scheduled job will run as the service account for your FME Server install but I the manually triggered job will run with the permissions of the user initiating the job. Is it possible that the user permissions for the service account do not have access to the required web connection?

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