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Error when attempting to turn automation off - Have to run jobs via automation



I get the following error when trying to turn automations off, on a new install of FME Flow:

Unable to disable 'run wb': 929028:SQL Query SELECT ncid, connectionname, connectiontype, servicename, username FROM fme_nc_namedconnections WHERE username IS NULL ORDER BY username DESC failed. Error: Could not find prepared statement with handle 1.


I had a look in the forums about a similar error with creating db connections but that doesn't seem to be an issue for me.


I also can't run workbenches using the 'Run workspace' screen as I get this error which is most likely tied to our SSL certificates?

There was an error submitting the job.

This is the reason for the automations - I'm having to trigger jobs through the automation screen to run any jobs


Unfortunately I wasn't involved in the setup of this environment but any advice is welcome.


Many thanks,



5 replies


Hi @sam_appleton​ ,

I'm sorry to hear you've run into this issue saving Automations. We do not have a known issue for this error, but I have seen similar reports.

  • What version and build of FME Flow are you using?
  • Is this an express, distributed, or fault-tolerant deployment of FME Flow?
  • If you restart FME Flow, does it resolve (even if temporary)?

If preferred, feel free to create a case for this issue with any other supporting details.


The job submission errors are likely unrelated. We have an article that runs through the common causes/solutions (including certificates) for this error: "FME Flow Run Workspace: There was an error submitting the job". Please review and let us know if the issue persists.


Couple more questions... what is the FME Flow database? The default Postgres, or another, like SQL Server?


Is there any errors reported in the fmeconnection.log?

  • Author
  • Contributor
  • January 8, 2024
sanaeatsafe wrote:

Hi @sam_appleton​ ,

I'm sorry to hear you've run into this issue saving Automations. We do not have a known issue for this error, but I have seen similar reports.

  • What version and build of FME Flow are you using?
  • Is this an express, distributed, or fault-tolerant deployment of FME Flow?
  • If you restart FME Flow, does it resolve (even if temporary)?

If preferred, feel free to create a case for this issue with any other supporting details.


The job submission errors are likely unrelated. We have an article that runs through the common causes/solutions (including certificates) for this error: "FME Flow Run Workspace: There was an error submitting the job". Please review and let us know if the issue persists.



The current build we're using is :

2023.1.1.1 Build 23636 2-

Tier distributed

Flow DB on Azure SQL


I can't see see any errors in fmeconnection.log


We've restarted the service and that resolved the issue temporarily. I'm also having issues connecting to a gdb located in the shared resources - Not sure if this is connected ?


  • Contributor
  • February 19, 2024

We experience the same issues since migrating to FME Flow 2023.1

Any updates on a solution for this?

  • Safer
  • April 3, 2024


For anyone else experiencing this issue please see Known Issues article for workaround on the FMEFLOW-22307 issue.  Please also make a case and reference the ticket number: FMEFLOW-22307. Our team is currently working on a fix for the 2024.1 release. 


Thank you!

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