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What's Up Wednesday: FME News for the Week Ending 1-October-2021

  • September 29, 2021
  • 1 reply


Hello FME'ers

Here is the weekly roundup of FME news.


Community Activities: NOW LIVE!

In case you weren't aware, we are improving connections in our community with a series of ongoing events - and the first of these is now LIVE!


There will be a webinar and blog to cover all of the events, but for now, be aware that an FME Geoguessr group is now live. Geoguessr is a game of geography, where you are "dropped into" a location and asked to guess where it is.



Then you get a summary of your results, with how far away you were:



To play regularly you need a paid Pro account. BUT... for this coming month, we've purchased a group subscription. This means up to 30 FMEers can join our group and play for free!


To do so, go to Geoguessr and create a free account. Then visit my profile and add me as a friend. I'll add you to the FME group and you should be good to use Geoguessr as much as you want for the coming month.


Be sure to add other FME users as friends so you can challenge them, and watch out for an FME League that I'll set up to start next week sometime.


For the future, I've got a list of other fun activities like this too.


More Community Activities

On the subject of the FME Community, don't forget to participate in the FME Community Survey, which is set to close in just 3 day's time!


Also, Dale and I are presenting a webinar on the FME Community on October 19th. Be sure to sign up for this. We'll talk about some of the upcoming events and changes to the community, we'll have a go at Random Acts of Transformation (where we use a marble race to pick a transformer at random and then try to demo it), and maybe even challenge a couple of users to a Geoguessr challenge!


And one final community activity, I'm going to try and live stream different FME activities - maybe interactive, maybe just demos, maybe... who knows? You can find me on Twitch here, and on YouTube here. You'll find a test stream I did last week (it's a bit fuzzy quality, but I think I have that fixed) to see the sort of things I'll be doing.


Be sure to follow me so you are alerted when I go live.


Deploying FME On Containers

I wanted to share this recent blog post whose full title is Deploying Safe FME on Azure Kubernetes Service with an External Azure Database for PostgreSQL.



It was written by Chris Burns, a Senior Software Engineer at the Ordnance Survey (Britain's national mapping agency). Obviously, this is not a post for everyone! A lot of it goes over my head. But if you are into containerization then I suspect it will be a very interesting topic for you.


Norwegian Municipal FMEing

Speaking of niche topics, if you want to learn about the use of FME in Norwegian municipalities, I think I have the presentation for you!


It's called Effektiviseringsgevinster i kommunal sektor ved bruk av FME, or for English-speakers Streamlining gains in the municipal sector through the use of FME. It takes place this Friday (October 1st) at 9:00am (Norwegian time?) and is free to attend.


FME Beta Alerts on Twitter

Do you know what was the first Twitter account I created? It was FMEBetaBuilder and it was designed to send a tweet every time we created a new FME beta build.



"Bob" worked at first, but since then the build process became more complicated and Bob struggled to keep up. Now it seems that someone has kick-started the process, and Bob has returned to life.


So if you want to keep up with new FME beta builds, click the link above and follow Bob's tweets!


New Safe Partner

We have a new partner at Safe, GIS Inc, and they are holding a webinar on CityWorks, if that is something you'd be interested in.



National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Recently the Canadian government passed legislation to make September 30th a federal statutory "holiday" called the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This is an annual commemoration honouring the children, families and communities who suffered the residential school system in Canada, and who continue to be affected by its legacy.


So, the Safe office will be closed on September 30th to mark this day. If any users would like to join us in learning about the history of indigenous peoples in Canada, you can find out more information at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, and you can show your support too by joining us in wearing an orange shirt.

1 reply

  • Evangelist
  • September 30, 2021

Thanks @mark2atsafe​ 

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