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Error occurred trying to create area geometry - Creating TAB File

Hi Everyone,



I am getting an error when trying to create a TAB file or .GDB features from a certain dataset in Oracle Spatial. The error is "Error occurred trying to create area geometry". It happens at the point where the features are attempted to be written to the TAB file. It doesn't make much sense since the table was originally loaded into Oracle from a TAB file so it should be happy to translate back to that at the very least.



My thoughts were there must be something wrong with the geometry which is preventing FME from "calculating the area geometry" so I tried the steps below to fix/trouble shoot the problem.



I have put the data through a geometry validator and geometry filter however that has no effect on the error I'm getting. I ran the Oracle geometry validation function over the table then deleted all geometries it found which were not valid.



If anyone could give me some ideas as to what this error message actually means and how I can get FME to translate without error then it would be a great help.


3 replies

  • May 19, 2014



could you give us a bit more specific information, please? Sample data, screenshots, logs, versions, etc...




  • Author
  • May 20, 2014
Agreed David, definitely need some more specifics. To be clear I have translated the data from TAB to Oracle without error then without changing any of the data I have tried to extract it from Oracle to TAB and then I get the error described.



Our FME Version is 2013 SP3


Oracle version is 10g


MapInfo 11.5.1



The TAB file created is usable however the error given to me by FME about the area geometry creation is confusing and worrying since I don't know what effect it has on my data. eg. is it telling me it couldn't calculate the extent for metadata or is this something else? 



Below it the log file. I replaced sensitive information with # symbols. I am possibly able to provide some of the geometry data if it is required but am hoping to get some feedback on the information currently provided.



ORACLE Reader: Using Oracle 8 SC Reader to read tables from database `', server type `ORACLE8i', server name `#####', user name `#####', password `***'


ORACLE Reader: Using Rich geometry.


Loaded module 'OCI' from file 'OCI.dll'


Environment variable ORACLE_HOME has value `##################'


Connecting to ORACLE database `########' with user name of `#######' and password of `***'


Connected to ORACLE database `########'


Oracle database version is ''


Environment variable ORACLE_HOME has value `##############'


Connecting to ORACLE database `###########' with user name of `###########' and password of `***'


Connected to ORACLE database `##########'


Using MultiWriter $Revision: 59162 $ ( $Date: 2009-04-07 10:04:59 -0700 (Tue, 07 Apr 2009) $ ) with keyword `MULTI_WRITER' to output data (ID_ATTRIBUTE is `multi_writer_id')


Writer output will be ordered by value of multi_writer_id


Loaded module 'LogCount_func' from file 'C:\\apps\\FME\\plugins/LogCount_func.dll'


FME API version of module 'LogCount_func' matches current internal version (3.7 20121025)


Column `GEOMETRY' of table `#####.#####' has been chosen to hold the geometry


ORACLE Reader: Executing SQL Statement `SELECT "###########################################################################' to obtain features for feature type `###################'


Loaded module 'ociunk_geomedia' from file 'C:\\apps\\FME\\plugins/ociunk_geomedia.dll'


The ORACLE number of the FME coordinate system 'LL-GDA94' is '8311'


FME Configuration: Source coordinate system for reader ORACLE8I_1[ORACLE8I] set to `LL-GDA94' as read from input data


Coordinate System `LL-GDA94' parameters: CS_NAME=`LL-GDA94' DESC_NM=`Geodetic Datum of Australia 1994, Latitude-Longitude; Degrees' DT_NAME=`GDA94' GROUP=`AUSNZ' MAP_SCL=`1' MAX_LAT=`-6.86666666666667' MAX_LNG=`176.1' MIN_LAT=`-62.0333333333333' MIN_LNG=`108.766666666667' PROJ=`LL' QUAD=`1' SCL_RED=`1' SOURCE=`Geocentric Datum of Autralia Technical Manual' UNIT=`DEGREE' ZERO_X=`1e-009' ZERO_Y=`1e-009'


Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for writer named `MITAB'


Loaded module 'MITAB' from file 'C:\\apps\\FME\\plugins/mitab_fme.dll'


FME API version of module 'MITAB' matches current internal version (3.7 20121025)


FME Configuration: No destination coordinate system set


FME API version of module 'MITAB' matches current internal version (3.7 20121025)


Writer `MITAB_1' of type `MITAB' using group definition keyword `MITAB_1_DEF'


FME API version of module 'MITAB' matches current internal version (3.7 20121025)


Using MapInfo (MITAB) Native Writer $Revision: 108213 $ ( $Date: 2013-07-22 11:11:41 -0700 (Mon, 22 Jul 2013) $ ) to create `C:\\#########################\\folder\\'


Set encoding 'fme-system' from default value


Closing native MapInfo writer for file `C:\\#############\\folder\\'




Feature output statistics for `MITAB' writer using keyword `MITAB_1':




                               Features Written




#####.##### (#####.#####)                                              307




Total Features Written                                                     307




Error occurred trying to create area geometry


FME Session Duration: 16.4 seconds. (CPU: 7.1s user, 7.7s system)


END - ProcessID: 5088, peak process memory usage: 163796 kB, current process memory usage: 117028 kB



Error occurred trying to create area geometry


Program Terminating



Translation FAILED.



  • May 20, 2014



agree that is a weird error. I suppose you have verified with MapInfo that the TAB-file contains as many features as FME reports having written? Also, double check that you don't have a shutdown script in your workspace that throws these errors.



If nothing else helps, I'd recommend you send a minimal dataset and workspace to your reseller or Safe ( for their opinion.




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