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IFC to 2D Shapefiles

  • October 23, 2018
  • 1 reply



I am trying to convert IFC to 2D Shapefiles. What I really want is to get the 2D Exterior boundary of every model. Sometimes it is the footprint, but sometimes is the footprint + the exceeding slabs or a buildingelementproxy. My method is to use a 2DForcer and then a GeometryFilter to extract the Areas in order to write Polygon Shapefiles. However, in models with high complexity the 2DForcer creates many small polygons as attached in the photo, that kill performance. This is partially solved using the Dissolver, but in cases as shown in the photo the process can take 2hours or even more in a PC with acceptable specs (i7, 32GB RAM).

I would welcome any ideas on how to make this process more efficient. I have tried the TriangulatedSurfaces but with no luck. I believe it is normal, since IFC's geometries are solids. Should I create composite surfaces and then work with them? But this sounds like too much trouble to just get the footprints of a model. The BoundsExtractor also did not work, as I do not want to create a simple box, I want the real 2D shape.

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards,


1 reply


Hi @georgefloros,

the method I use in this case is:

- First explode the IFC geometry. In most cases they are a collection and I only want the Solids.


- To only get the Solids I use the GeometryFilter


- Next I use the SurfaceFootprintReplacer to get the footprint of each solid.


- As a last step you can use the Dissolver to merge all the areas together to a single feature.

Hope this helps.


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