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How to transform .rvz BIM data into 3d-tiles cesium.js format?

  • November 7, 2018
  • 1 reply

Hello, i'm new in FME. I don't know how to transform .rvz BIM data into 3d-tiles cesium.js format. I use FME-revit plugin to convert the .rvt to .rvz. Next, I add a reader in FME to read the converted .rvz data(IFC). Then i add a transformer(writer) to write the data into CESIUM3DTILES format. But the translation failed.

1 reply


Hi @yzthr, welcome!

In the case which you see here is that FME is trying (and failing) to reproject your data. You will need to make sure if your input Revit model have a projection if you want to project it.


If your model doesn't have a projection defined then FME will not know how to perform the reprojection. You can define the projection of your input model in the Reader Parameters (see below)



If, on the other hand, the model is not yet in real world space it will need to be georeferenced. This article should help with that:


Good luck!!


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