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Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb) Writer crashing - Error Number -2147216072


I'm running a workbench on FME Server 2017 and after running through some transformers, the data should be writteninto a database. I'm getting an error ans this message:


An error occurred while flushing the cursor for the table/feature class 'xxx.yyy.zzz'. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147216072'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {Underlying DBMS error [[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Arithmetic overflow error converting float to data type numeric.] [xxx.yyy.zzz]}


Am I right to assume that the error is possibly invoked by an incompatible value? How can I find out which value is causing the error? Is there a possibility to retrieve more information to start the search for the cause of this error?

5 replies


Hi @killphil84​ 

I do not have instructions specific to the ArcSDE geodatabase, but this article is handling a similar error but with the ArcGIS Online dataset.

You should be able to follow the instructions for using

AttributeValidator -- Set up rules based on existing table schema

AttributeManager -- Use Arthematic Editor to convert datatype numeric to float

Instead of going through all attributes, you should be able to use SchemaReader and filter DataType floats

  • Author
  • Participant
  • July 11, 2022

Thanks a lot for yout reply. In the process of using the AttributeValidator und AttributeManager as you suggested, I was able to locate the problem. My workbench tries to write values such as 1.0106675843510633e-16 (values like this ar corret and quite common concerning the task I'm working at atm) into the ArcSDE Database, but the properties of the DB-colums doesn't match here. It occurs that some columns doesn't allow enough digits/decimal places to save the given values. I don't have any control over the ArcSDE DB, so I've connected the admin to discuss possible solutions.

killphil84 wrote:

Thanks a lot for yout reply. In the process of using the AttributeValidator und AttributeManager as you suggested, I was able to locate the problem. My workbench tries to write values such as 1.0106675843510633e-16 (values like this ar corret and quite common concerning the task I'm working at atm) into the ArcSDE Database, but the properties of the DB-colums doesn't match here. It occurs that some columns doesn't allow enough digits/decimal places to save the given values. I don't have any control over the ArcSDE DB, so I've connected the admin to discuss possible solutions.

hi @killphil84​ 

AttributeRounder is an option if it fits your workflow.

  • Author
  • Participant
  • August 5, 2022

Well, although my questian was posted quite a few days ago, I'd like to present my solution: I've used a tester on the attributes which values potentially cause problems and test for "value < 0.000000000000000000000000000001". When this is the case, I've just put 999999999 as value via attributecreator and ducumented this value as indication for values that are too small to be written to the database.

  • Contributor
  • December 13, 2024

I was struggling with the same error code, using arithmetic editor to set values instead of text editor did the trick!

thanks ​@rahulsharma !


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