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Hi, I am new to FME Server and I am having a problem. When I run a single workflow it is looking for a file directory that exisits and works, however when I run the same workflow within an automation it is looking for a different file location and so is completing but not reading the file and populating with the writer.


Examples of the different location types are:

single run on server: C:\\ProgramData\\Safe Software\\FME Server\\resources\\data\\

run through automation:



it seems to be looking for the file address in two parts where the space in FME Server is?





@andrewm​ ,


What version/build of FME Server are you working with? There was a known issue related Automations and spaces in file paths that you may be running into.

@andrewm​ ,


What version/build of FME Server are you working with? There was a known issue related Automations and spaces in file paths that you may be running into.

Hi @hollyatsafe​ , I believe it's a version of 2019.2. Is there a way I can find out the version?




Hi @hollyatsafe​ , I believe it's a version of 2019.2. Is there a way I can find out the version?




@hollyatsafe​  if you could poin t me to the workaround section for the known issue I think that would be a good place to start.

Hi @hollyatsafe​ , I believe it's a version of 2019.2. Is there a way I can find out the version?




Hi @andrewm​ 


Yes you should be able to find the version and exact build in the bottom left hand corner of the web GUI.


The issue (FMESERVER-13256) was fixed for FME 2019.2 b19775, so if your FME Server is any 2019 version earlier than this build then I suspect this is the issue you are hitting.

There are two known workarounds:

  1. In the Automation when you specify the file path, the value is automatically updated to wrap it in quotes because it contains a space. Remove the quotes from around the file path in the Automation Run Workspace settings. I think these quotes get re-added every time you edit the automation, because FME expects them to be there, so this is something to wary of whilst you are authoring your automation workflow.
  2. Convert the Published Parameter definition from Filename to Text (so quotes are not automatically added).

Hi @hollyatsafe​ , I believe it's a version of 2019.2. Is there a way I can find out the version?




Hi @hollyatsafe​ , this is the version FME Server 2019.2.3.2

Build 19825  but seems to still have the same issue. It's odd because the files are saved down as part of the server resources path using a the folders created at install.


I am trying the workarounds now but would be interested to know your thoughts.



