Can you share more of your log file?
Can you share more of your log file?
Feature Caching is ON
The workspace may run slower because features are being output and recorded on all output ports regardless of whether or not there is a connection.
Command line to run this workspace:
"C:\Program Files\FME2024\fme.exe" C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Temp\wb-xlate-1714514609320_13300
--SourceDataset_MSSQL_SPATIAL "***************_GISP"
Starting translation...
Current FME version: FME 2024.0.1.0 (20240328 - Build 24202 - WIN64)
System Time: 20240430220332 UTC
FME_HOME is 'C:\Program Files\FME2024\'
FME Form Fixed (node locked-crc)
Serial Number: *******
Temporary License: 134 days left.
Machine host name is: ********
OS Locale Name : en_AU
OS Locale Encoding : windows-1252
Process Encoding : UTF-8
FME API version: '4.0 20240212'
FME Configuration: FME_BASE is 'no'
FME Configuration: FME_MF_DIR is 'C:\Users\******\AppData\Local\Temp/'
FME Configuration: FME_MF_NAME is 'wb-xlate-1714514609320_13300'
FME Configuration: FME_PRODUCT_NAME is 'FME(R) 2024.0.1.0'
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19045)
FME Platform: WIN64
System Status: 230.95 GB of disk space available in the FME temporary folder (C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Temp\wbrun_1714514504713_13300\fmetmp_2)
System Status: 63.70 GB of physical memory available
System Status: 254.78 GB of virtual memory available
START - ProcessID: 9876, peak process memory usage: 41460 kB, current process memory usage: 41460 kB
FME Configuration: Command line arguments are `C:\Program Files\FME2024\fme.exe' `C:\Users\******\AppData\Local\Temp\wb-xlate-1714514609320_13300' `LOG_STANDARDOUT' `YES' `LOG_TIMINGS' `YES' `LogCountServerName' `57612' `LOG_STANDARDOUT' `No' `WORKBENCH_LOG_SERVER' `57537'
FME Configuration: Connection Storage: 'C:\Users\******\AppData\Roaming\Safe Software\FME\'
Shared folders for formats are : C:\Program Files\FME2024\datasources;C:\Users\******\AppData\Roaming\Safe Software\FME\FME Store\Formats;C:\Users\******\OneDrive - *****\Documents\FME\Formats
Shared folders for transformers are : C:\Users\******\AppData\Roaming\Safe Software\FME\Packages\24202-win64\transformers;C:\Program Files\FME2024\transformers;C:\Users\*******\AppData\Roaming\Safe Software\FME\FME Store\Transformers
Shared folders for coordinate systems are : C:\Users\*******\*******\Documents\FME\CoordinateSystems
Shared folders for coordinate system exceptions are : C:\Users\*****************\Documents\FME\CoordinateSystemExceptions
Shared folders for coordinate system grid overrides are : C:\Users\************\Documents\FME\CoordinateSystemGridOverrides
Shared folders for CS-MAP transformation exceptions are : C:\Users\*************\Documents\FME\CsmapTransformationExceptions
Shared folders for transformer categories are : C:\Users\***********u\Documents\FME\TransformerCategories
FME Configuration: Reader Keyword is `MULTI_READER'
FME Configuration: Writer Keyword is `PRIMARY_DEST'
FME Configuration: Writer Group Definition Keyword is `PRIMARY_DEST_DEF'
FME Configuration: Reader type is `MULTI_READER'
FME Configuration: Writer type is `MULTI_WRITER'
FME Configuration: No destination coordinate system set
FME Configuration: Current working folder is `C:\Users\*******\AppData\Local\Temp'
FME Configuration: Temporary folder is `C:\Users\***************\AppData\Local\Temp\wbrun_1714514504713_13300\fmetmp_2', set from environment variable `FME_TEMP'
FME Configuration: Cache folder is 'C:\Users\***************\AppData\Local\Temp'
FME Configuration: FME_HOME is `C:\Program Files\FME2024\'
FME Configuration: Start freeing memory when the process exceeds 191.09 GB
FME Configuration: Stop freeing memory when the process is below 143.32 GB
Creating writer for format:
Creating reader for format:
MULTI_READER(MULTI_READER): Will fail with first member reader failure
Using Multi Reader with keyword `MULTI_READER' to read multiple datasets
FME Configuration: Using connection values from '***************_GISP' for MSSQL_SPATIAL_1
Creating reader for format: Microsoft SQL Server Spatial
Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `MSSQL_SPATIAL'
Loaded module 'MSSQL_SPATIAL' from file 'C:\Program Files\FME2024\plugins/FME_ADO.dll'
FME API version of module 'FME_ADO' matches current internal version (4.0 20240212)
Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Reader: Read 1 DEF line(s). Found 40 attribute(s)
Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Reader: Opening `GISP' for read operation
Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Reader: Trying to connect using Microsoft OLE DB Driver 19 for SQL Server...
Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Reader: 'SqlServer.Types' library loaded matched expected version ''
MSSQL_SPATIAL reader: Creating bulk features from individual features
Using MultiWriter with keyword `PRIMARY_DEST' to output data (ID_ATTRIBUTE is `multi_writer_id')
Writer output will be ordered by value of multi_writer_id
Loaded module 'LogCount_func' from file 'C:\Program Files\FME2024\plugins/LogCount_func.dll'
FME API version of module 'LogCount_func' matches current internal version (4.0 20240212)
Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Reader: Spatial column not specified for Feature Type `dbo.VegetationJan2024AiLayerNearMap7855'. Using Column `SP_GEOMETRY' with type `geometry'
Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Reader: Now reading features from table dbo.VegetationJan2024AiLayerNearMap7855, 10 record(s) at a time
The EPSG number of the FME coordinate system 'MGA/20-55' is '7855'
FME Configuration: Source coordinate system for reader MSSQL_SPATIAL_1mMSSQL_SPATIAL] set to `MGA/20-55' as read from input data
Coordinate System `MGA/20-55' parameters: CS_NAME=`MGA/20-55' DESC_NM=`Map Grid of Australia Zone 55, GDA2020 (7Parameter)' DT_NAME=`GDA2020-7P' EPSG_QD=`1' GROUP=`AUSNZ' MAP_SCL=`1' MAX_LAT=`-8.216666666666667' MAX_LNG=`150.31666666666666' MIN_LAT=`-51.88333333333333' MIN_LNG=`143.68333333333334' PARM1=`147' PROJ=`TM' QUAD=`1' SCL_RED=`0.9996' SOURCE=`EPSG 9.0' UNIT=`METER' X_OFF=`500000' Y_OFF=`10000000'
FFS writer: Writing 100000 feature(s) to file 'C:\Users\***************\AppData\Local\Temp\wb-cache--ieSGBs\Main_dbo.VegetationJan2024AiLayerNear -1 2 -1 0 ebc8d5847a2f86cc80ff7624c05ea25a94cc36ae.fts'
Spatial Index: Adding 100000 features
FME Configuration: Using FME Reprojection Engine
Creating writer for format: Esri ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Feature Service
Trying to find a PYTHON plugin for writer named `ARCGISONLINEFEATURES'
The workspace does not contain user Python. FME will attempt to use a Python 3.12+ interpreter
Using Python interpreter from `C:\Program Files\FME2024\fmepython312\python312.dll' with PYTHONHOME `C:\Program Files\FME2024\fmepython312'
Python version 3.12 loaded successfully
Loaded Python module `arcgisonlinefeatures' from file `C:\Program Files\FME2024\python\\arcgisonlinefeatures\__init__.pyc'
FME Configuration: Destination coordinate system set to `EPSG:7855'
Coordinate System `EPSG:7855' parameters: CS_NAME=`MGA/20-55' DESC_NM=`Map Grid of Australia Zone 55, GDA2020 (7Parameter)' DT_NAME=`GDA2020-7P' EPSG_QD=`1' GROUP=`AUSNZ' MAP_SCL=`1' MAX_LAT=`-8.216666666666667' MAX_LNG=`150.31666666666666' MIN_LAT=`-51.88333333333333' MIN_LNG=`143.68333333333334' PARM1=`147' PROJ=`TM' QUAD=`1' SCL_RED=`0.9996' SOURCE=`EPSG 9.0' UNIT=`METER' X_OFF=`500000' Y_OFF=`10000000'
Loaded Python module `arcgisonlinefeatures' from file `C:\Program Files\FME2024\python\\arcgisonlinefeatures\__init__.pyc'
Loaded Python module `arcgisonlinefeatures' from file `C:\Program Files\FME2024\python\\arcgisonlinefeatures\__init__.pyc'
Updating access token for '***************'
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Requesting portal information
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Could not find a Feature Service item matching the Feature Service directive 'test_vegetation'. A new Feature Service will be created
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: No Object ID field was defined for feature type 'vegetation'. Creating Object ID field 'OBJECTID'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: Splitting bulk features into individual features
The ESRIWKID number of the FME coordinate system 'MGA2020-55_FME' is '7855'
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Creating feature service 'test_vegetation'
The 'Features Per Request' parameter has been set to 10000 features
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Creating layer/table for feature type 'vegetation' on feature service 'test_vegetation'
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Requesting metadata for layer/table 0 of Feature Service at '*****/arcgis/rest/services/test_vegetation/FeatureServer'
CS-MAP Reprojector: Transformation will be automatically selected for 'EPSG:7855' -> 'MGA2020-55_FME', and is not guaranteed to remain the same in future releases of FME
Reprojector: Using transformation `GDA94_to_GDA2020-7P,Inverse(Seven Parameter,EPSG:8048)' when reprojecting from EPSG:7855 to MGA2020-55_FME
Reprojector: Using transformation `GDA94_to_WGS84,Forward(Null,EPSG:1150)' when reprojecting from EPSG:7855 to MGA2020-55_FME
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 1 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 10000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 20000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 30000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 40000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 50000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 60000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 70000 of 100000 features written
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 79506 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 80000 of 100000 features written
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 82456 of 100000 features written
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 89099 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 90000 of 100000 features written
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 98462 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 100000 of 100000 features written
FFS writer: Writing 100000 feature(s) to file 'C:\Users\***************\AppData\Local\Temp\wb-cache--ieSGBs\Main_dbo.VegetationJan2024AiLayerNear -1 2 -1 0 ebc8d5847a2f86cc80ff7624c05ea25a94cc36ae_1.fts'
Spatial Index: Adding 100000 features
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: Splitting bulk features into individual features
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 10000 of 100000 features written
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 16853 of 100000 features written
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 17104 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 20000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 30000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 40000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 50000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 60000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 70000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 80000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 90000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 100000 of 100000 features written
FFS writer: Writing 100000 feature(s) to file 'C:\Users\***************\AppData\Local\Temp\wb-cache--ieSGBs\Main_dbo.VegetationJan2024AiLayerNear -1 2 -1 0 ebc8d5847a2f86cc80ff7624c05ea25a94cc36ae_2.fts'
Spatial Index: Adding 100000 features
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: Splitting bulk features into individual features
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 10000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 20000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 30000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 40000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 50000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 60000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 70000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 80000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 90000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 100000 of 100000 features written
FFS writer: Writing 100000 feature(s) to file 'C:\Users\***************\AppData\Local\Temp\wb-cache--ieSGBs\Main_dbo.VegetationJan2024AiLayerNear -1 2 -1 0 ebc8d5847a2f86cc80ff7624c05ea25a94cc36ae_3.fts'
Spatial Index: Adding 100000 features
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: Splitting bulk features into individual features
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
Updating access token for '***************'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 10000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 20000 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 30000 of 100000 features written
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 30733 of 100000 features written
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 34992 of 100000 features written
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 35137 of 100000 features written
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 35448 of 100000 features written
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 35810 of 100000 features written
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 36439 of 100000 features written
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: 37548 of 100000 features written
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Appending '10000' features to layer/table 'vegetation'
Message Type: fme::internal::_v0::Exception
Python Exception <AttributeError>: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: An error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
Feature output statistics for `ARCGISONLINEFEATURES' writer using keyword `ARCGISONLINEFEATURES_1':
Features Written
vegetation 340000
Total Features Written 340000
Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Reader: Closing `GISP' . Read operation complete
Translation FAILED with 3 error(s) and 1 warning(s) (400000 feature(s) output)
FME Session Duration: 35 minutes 26 seconds. (CPU: 188.3s user, 14.7s system)
END - ProcessID: 9876, peak process memory usage: 828940 kB, current process memory usage: 162068 kB
ARCGISONLINEFEATURES writer: An error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
Program Terminating
Translation FAILED.
To me, that suggests there is a single feature causing an issue in the last lot of writing to AGOL.
I’d try to narrow down that feature and try writing it by itself to see if it is the cause
To me, that suggests there is a single feature causing an issue in the last lot of writing to AGOL.
I’d try to narrow down that feature and try writing it by itself to see if it is the cause
Thanks. Will try that. I ended up using ArcGIS Pro to upload with no issues. It’s annoying that the error message can’t provide more details.